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Checklist, Biology & Language BIOLOGY & LANGUAGE IN SIGN LANGUAGE STUDIES Listed below by author, by title, and by publication date and issue are nine articles originally intended for the projected BIOLOGY & LANGUAGE, which has not achieved publication otherwise than in the pages of SIGN LANGUAGE STUDIES. AUTHORS BONVILLIAN, JOHN D., KEITH E. NELSON, & VEDA R. CHARROW Language & Language-Related Skills in Deaf and Hearing Children SLS 12 (1976), 211-250. CHARROW. Veda R. (with BONVILLIAN, q.v.) CONDON, WILLIAM S. An Analysis of Behavioral Organization SLS 13 (1976), 285-318. CHET A. CREIDER Towards a Description of East African Gestures SLS 14 (1977), 1-20. FOUTS, ROGER S. & ROGER L. MELLGREN Language, Signs, & Cognition in the Chimpanzee SLS 13 (1976), 319-346. HEWES, GORDON W. A Model for Language Evolution SLS 15 (1977), in pr. Sign Language Studies 14 AUTHORS (Continued) HILL, JANE H. Apes, Wolves, Birds, & Humans: Toward a Comparative Foundation for a Functional Theory of Language Evolution SLS 14 (1977), 21-58. KENDON, ADAM Gesticulation, Speech, & the Gesture Theory of Language Origins SLS 9 (1975), 349-373. MELLGREN, ROGER L. (with FOUTS, q.v.) NELSON, KEITH E. (with BONVILLIAN, q.v.) LEWIS PETRINOVICH Communication & Language: An Evolutionary View SLS 13 (1976), 347-376. STEVEN G. VANDENBERG Hereditary Influences on Voice, Speech, & Language SLS 15 (1977), in pr. Checklist, Biology & Language TITLES Apes, Wolves, Birds, & Humans: Toward a Comparative Foundation for a Functional Theory of Language Evolution JANE H. HILL SLS 14 (1977), 21-S8. An Analysis of Behavioral Organization W1LLIAM S. CONDON SLS 13 (1976), 285-318. Communication & Language: An Evolutionary View LEWIS PETRINOVICH SLS 13 (1976), 347-376. Gesticulation, Speech, & the Gesture Theory of Language Origins ADAM KENDON SLS 9 (1975), 349-373. Hereditary Influences on Voice, Speech, & Language STEVEN G. VANDENBERG SLS 15 (1977), in pr. Language and Language-Related Skills in Deaf & Hearing Children JOHN D. BONVILLIAN, KEITH E. NELSON, & VEDA R. CHARROW SLS 12 (1976), 211-250. Language, Signs, & Cognition in the Chimpanzee ROGER S. FOUTS & ROGER L. MELLGREN SLS 13 (1976), 319-346. A Model for Language Evolution GORDON W. HEWES SLS 15 (1977), in pr. Towards a Description of East African Gestures CHET A. CREIDER SLS 14 (1977), 1-20. Sign Language Studies 14 Issues of SIGN LANGUAGE STUDIES containing chapters originally intended for BIOLOGY & LANGUAGE: SLS 9 (Winter 1975), 349-373 Adam Kendon, Gesticulation, Speech, & the Gesture Theory of Language Origins. SLS 12 (Fall 1976), 211-250 John Bonvillian, Keith Nelson, & Veda Charrow, Language, and Language-Related Skills in Deaf and Hearing Children. SLS 13 (Winter 1976), 285-318 William S. Condon, An Analysis of Behavioral Organization. SLS 13 (Winter 1976), 319-346 Roger Fouts & Roger Mellgren, Language, Signs, & Cognition in the Chimpanzee. SLS 13 (Winter 1976), 347-376 Lewis Petrinovich, Communication & Language: An Evolutionary View. SLS 14 (Spring 1977), 1-20 Chet A. Creider, Towards a Description of East African Gestures. SLS 14 (Spring 1977), 21-58 Jane H. Hill, Apes, Wolves, Birds, & Humans: Toward a Comparative Foundation for a Functional Theory of Language Evolution. SLS 15 (Summer 1977), in press Gordon W. Hewes, A Model for Language Evolution. SLS 15 (Summer 1977), in press Steven G. Vandenberg, Hereditary Influences on Voice, Speech, & Language. ...

