In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Volumes XLV to LIV – Series III, Vol. 1–10 (2001–2010)
Vishwa Adluri, Initiation into the Mysteries: The Experience of the Irrational in Plato 6.407
Tana J. Allen, Ad Aquas: Roman Spa Bathing in Tunisia 1.139
Eugenio Amato, An Echo of Sappho in Favorinus? 2.39
___. Une nouvelle allusion à Simonide chez Chorikios de Gaza 4.121
David Amherdt, Le locus inamoenus de Paulin de Nole: La rhétorique au service du Christianisme 5.143
Cinzia Bearzot, « Partis politiques », cités, états fédéraux: Le Témoignage de l’historien d’Oxyrhynchos 9.239
Martin Beckmann, The Meaning of Pons in the Inscription of Adrastus (CIL 6.1585) 7.123
___. Excavations at Nysa on the Menander, 2008: The West Portico of the Gymnasium 8.265
___. Survey and Excavation at Nysa on the Menander, 2009: The Gymnasium Portico and Palaestra 9.125
J.M. Bigwood, Queen Mousa, Mother and Wife (?) of King Phraatakes of Parthia: A Re-evaluation of the Evidence 4.35
Richard Billows, The Authorship of the “Hellenika Oxyrhynchia” 9.219
Edmund F. Bloedow, Response to Marcelle Robinson 1.187
___. Heinrich Schliemann in Canada 5.303
Barbara Weiden Boyd, Itala nam tellus Graecia maior erat: “Poetic Syncretism” and the Divinities of Ovid, Fasti 4 3.13
Keith Bradley, Hadrian, Yourcenar, Syme 8.39
Stephen Brunet, Female and Dwarf Gladiators 4.145
Paul Burton, Avian Plague: Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus and Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds 1.313
V.P. Bylkova, Excavations in the Settlement of Belozerskoe, 1997–1999 3.117
Calvin S. Byre, Failed Inquiry: Xerxes and his Scout in Herodotus 7.208–209 4.1
Kimberly Cassibry, Provincial Patrons and Commemorative Rivalries: Rethinking the Roman Arch Monument 8.417
Michael B. Charles, Alexander, Elephants and Gaugamela 8.9
___. Elephants, Alexander and the Indian Campaign 10.327
Jacqueline Clarke, “Goodbye to All That”: Propertius’ magnum iter between Elegies 3.16 and 3.21 4.127
Craig Cooper, Aristoxenos, ΠΕΡΙ ΒΙΩΝ and Peripatetic Biography 2.307
Cheryl Cox, Assuming the Master’s Values: The Slave’s Response to Punishment and Neglect in Menander 2.23
Eric Dodson-Robinson, Rending Others: Ethical Contagio in Seneca’s Thyestes 10.45
Rory B. Egan, Orpheus and the Ciconian Women: The Crux at Vergil, Georgics 4.520 1.55
___. The Prophecies of Calchas in the Aulis Narrative of Aeschylus’ Agamemnon 7.179
Chris Epplett, Winter Warfare in Antiquity: Image and Reality 3.269
N.F. Fedoseev, Les témoignages archéologiques sur une clérouquie Athénienne à Sinope 2.189
J. Fletcher, ΠΑΝΤ᾽ ΑΡΙΣΤΕΥΩΝ ΧΕΡΙΟΝ: Deeds of the Hands in Sophocles’ Trachiniae 1.1
Michel Fortin, Lisa Cooper, La Mission canadienne à Tell ‘Acharneh (Syrie): À la recherché de l’ancienne Tunip 6.163
John M. Fossey, Pierre Bonnechere, Ereneia, Eriniates? A Problem in Pausanias i.44.5 2.203
Éric Fournier, Les origins d’un atelier monétaire itinérant: Réflexions àpartir des cas de Trèves, Milan et Sirmium (IIIe–Vesiècles) 2.245
Helena Fracchia and Tommaso Mattioli, Recent Research in the Upper Bradano Valley 10.169
Jane Francis, The Roman Crouching Aphrodite 2.211
___. Ancient Ceramci Beekeeping Equipment at the University of Ottawa 9.159
Giancarlo Giardina, Claudian, de Raptu Proserpinae 1.12–19, 55–208 6.27
Allison Glazebrook, Reading Women: Book Rolls on Attic Vases 5.1
Alain M. Gowing, Rome and the Ruin of Memory 8.451
Michael Griffin, A Middle Minoan “Egg Cup” at the University of British Columbia 4.233
R. Drew Griffith, Alph, the Sacred River, Ran: Geographical Subterfuge in Pindar Olympian 1.20 8.1
___. Gods, Vines and the Invention of Wine (Hecataeus 1 F 15 FGrHist) 10.429
Maurizio Gaultieri and Tammaso Mattioli, A Return to Roccagloriosa (Province of Salerno, South Sicily) 10.193
Graham Hagens, Syncretism and Ancient Chronology: Can Democritus Date the Buddha? 9.29
Craig Hardiman, Breaking the Mould: Pliny’s Natural History 34.52 and Sculptural Technique 4.239
Paul J. Harms, Physician-Assisted Suicide in Antiquity 8.25
John P. Harris, Divine Madness and Human Sanity in Plato’s Phaedrus 6.387
George W.M. Harrison, Sportula in Martial 1.295
Steven Hijmans, Sol Invictus, the Winter Solstice...

