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DDR-Dramatik: Major Critical Studies, I966-78, of East German Playwrights CHARLES A. CARPENTER Bibliographical information on "DDR-Dramatik" is hard to come by. The best sources are the Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und LiteraturwissenschaJt and the MLA International Bibliography, but neither one separates material on East German literature from that on other Germanic literatures, and neither can be fully relied upon to list the important books, parts of books, and articles on any aspect of modem drama. Therefore it is difficult to piece together a good working list of the major critical studies, scholarly contributions, and literary interviews concerning such dramatists as Peter Hacks, Heiner Milller, Volker Braun, and Helmut Baierl. The following checklist attempts to remedy that situation. It is an offshoot of a much larger research project, an international bibliography of modem drama criticism and scholarship published since 1966 in any Roman-alphabet language . As such, it is based on the careful examination of thousands of books (often chapter by chapter), over '400 journals, and countless bibliographies. It is intended to be as comprehensive, within the limits stated, as a selective bibliography can be. The first section, General Studies, is restricted to material on drama rather than theatre, and on playwrights rather than performers or directors. It serves largely as a reference list for the ensuing sections on eleven dramatists. The "see also" references at the end of each author list point to less substantial studies than the ones they follow . The bibliographical data given in each main entry is meant to be sufficient rather than exhaustive; nonillurninating chapter titles, subtitles, and series have been omitted. JOURNAL ABBREVIATIONS AUW Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis NGC New German Critique SuF Sinn uDd Form TuK WB WZUJ DDR-Dramatik: Major Critical Studies Text und Kritik Weimarer Beitrage Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat, lena: Gesellschafts- und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe GENERAL STUDIES 493 BARKER, CLIVE. "Theatre in EastGermany." pp. 189- 200 ofRonald Hayman, ed. The German Theatre. London:Wolff, 1975 2 BEYER, PETER. Dramatikder Deutschen Demokratischen RepubUk. Warsaw: Paostwowe Wydawn. Naukowe, 1976. 104 pp. (AUW, 268) 3 - "Zur EntwicklungderDDR-Drarnatik." AUW, 291A (1975), 57- 66 (Polish version in AUW, 2918) 4 BRETISCHNElDER, WERNER. "Das Drama." Zwischen literarischerAutonomie und Staatsdienst: Die Literalur in der DDR. Berlin:Schmidt, 1972, pp. 144-68 5 "Drarnatik in derDDR I." Europiiische Ideen, 13 (1975), I- 51 6 "Dramatik in derDDR 2." Europiiisc"e Ideen, 21 (1976), I- 55 7 Dramatiker undKomponisten aufden Bahnen derDeutschenDemokratischen Republik:Spielzeit 1968/1969 -. Berlin: Deutsche Akademieder Kunst, 1969- (yearbook) 8 FRANKE, KONRAD. "Dramatik."Die Literalurder Deutschen Demokratischen Republik .Munich. Kindler, 1971 , pp. 423- 561 9 GEERDTS, HANS].• ED. Literalurder DDR in Einzeldarstellungen. Stuttgart:Kroner 1972. 571 pp. (several essays on dramatists) 10 GREINER, BERNHARD. Von der Allegorie zurldylle:DieLiteraturderArbeitsweltin derDDR. Heidelberg:Quelle & Meyer, 1974.256 pp. (esp. "Das Drama der 'sozialistischen Rede''') loa HAFRANKE, KARL H. "Individualgeschichte undGesellschaftsprozess in unserer neueren Dramatik." WB, 22, iv (1976),12-35 I I HOBFERT, SIGFRID. "Aspekte der Nachwirkung Brechts in decDramatik dec DDR (Anhand von Baierl. Hammel uod Strittmatter)." Pacific Northwest Conferenceon ForeignLanguages, Proceedings, 26 (1975),106- 1I [2 HUETTleH, H .G. Theater in the PlannedSociety:Contemporary Drama in the Germcm Democratic Republic in Its Historical, Political, andCultural Context. Chapel Hill: Univ. ofNorth Carolina Pr., 1978. 171 pp. 12a KAHLER, HERMANN. Gegenwart aufder Buhne:Die sozialistische Wirklichkeit in den Buhnenstucken derDDR von 1956-1963/64. Berlin: Henschel, 1966. 203 pp. 13 KLAlT, GUORUN. "DDR-Dramatik am Beginnder70cr Jahre:Tendenzen und Schreibweisen." WB, 19, x (1973), 117- 30 14 KLUNKER, HEINZ. Zeitstucke undZeitgenossen:Gegenwartstheater inderDDR . New ed. Munich: DeutscherTaschenbuch, 1975· 334 pp. 15 LOFFLER, ANNELlESE, ED. Auskiinfte: Werkstattgespriiche mitDDR-Auloren. Berlin : Aufbau, 1974· 548 pp. 16 MENNEMEIER, FRANZ N. Modernes deutsches Drama:Kritiken undCharakteristiken ,ll: 1933 bis zurGegenwart, Munich: Fink, 1975, 4IOPP. 17 NOSSlG, MANFRED. "1956- 1962 ." pp. I1- 2I7ofWemerMittenzwei, gen. ed, Theater ill derZeitenwende:Zur Geschichtedes Dramas unddes Schauspielthea- 494 CHARLES A. CARPENTER ters inderDeulschenDemokratischen Republik 1945- 1968, U. Berlin: Henschel, 1972 (pp. 111-29 by Volker Kurzweg) 18 PFELLING, LIANE, MANFRED NOSSIG, & VOLKER KURZWEG. "Gegenwart und Vergangenheit im sozialistischen Drama."Pp. 227- 83 ofWemer Mittenzwei. gen.ed. Theater inderZeitenwende [see 17] ,I 19 RADDATZ, FRITZ J. "Die dramatische Literatur sozialistische KJassik - die 'Grosse Figur.'" TraditionenundTendenzen: Materialien...

