In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Recent Periodicals
  • Robert Laurie and John L. Flood
American Communist History, 10, 3 (2011)
Includes: P. M. Filardo, ‘“Marxist Publisher” by James S. Allen’.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 51, 23 (4 June 2012)
Includes: P. Ricciardi [and others], ‘Near Infrared Reflectance Imaging Spectroscopy to Map Paint Binders In Situ on Illuminated Manuscripts’.
Archaeologia Cantiana, 131 (2011)
Includes: M. Sparks, ‘The Storage of Canterbury Cathedral Archives and their Travels 1541–1967’.
Archives of Natural History, 39, 2 (October 2012)
Includes: M. DeArce, ‘The Natural History Review (1854–1865)’.
Asia Major, 3rd series, 24, 2 (2011)
Includes: P. De Laurentis, The Forbidden Classic of the Jade Hall: A Study of an Eleventh-Century Compendium on Calligraphic Technique’.
Bodleian Library Record, 25, 1 (April 2012)
Includes: S. Berger, ‘The Oppenheim Collection of Early Modern Yiddish Books: Prague Yiddish 1550–1750’; A. Bale, ‘Late Medieval Book-Owners Named John Leche’; Menaka PP Bora, ‘Srīhastamuktāvalī and Dance: A Contemporary Study of a Sixteenth-Century Sanskrit Manuscript of Gestures’; K. Bennett, ‘Many Letters Stuffed With Fooleries: A New Fragment from the Aubrey-Wood Correspondence’.
Book Collector, 61, 1 (Spring 2012)
Includes: J. G. Turner, ‘I Modi and Aretino II. The “Toscanini Volume” Re-examined’; H. Adlington, ‘More Books from the Library of John Donne’; A. Freeman, ‘Some Notes on Francis Bernard’; M. M. Foot, ‘A Binding Made in Leiden by the Necklace Bindery, c. 1747’; S. Markham, ‘Sophie Schneideman’; J. Saumarez Smith, ‘The “Electric Charge” of A. L. Rowse’; R. Satterley, ‘Missing Books at Middle Temple’.
———, 61, 2 (Summer 2012)
Includes: M. Antonetti, ‘New Clues to the Early Life of Arrighi: Ludovico degli ‘Arrighi’s “bellissimo Canzoniere” for Bartolomeo della Valle, 1508’; N. Harris, ‘A Renaissance History of the Book: or, A View of the World from St Andrews’; C. Dumontet and D. E. Rhodes, ‘A Bibliographical Painting’; N. Barker, ‘T. J. Wise and the Roxburghe Club’; K. Limper-Herz, ‘A Binding by Charles Hering Senior, for Thomas Grenville c. 1801’; C. Newton, ‘William A. Jackson: An Early Reminiscence’; J. Saumarez-Smith, ‘James Lees-Milne’s Library in Bath’; S. Markham, ‘Charles Cox’; E. Katz, A Victorian Pyrographical Puzzle’.
———, 61, 3 (Autumn 2012)
Includes: M. Purcell and J. Fishwick, ‘The Library at Ickworth’; N. Stoughton, ‘A is for Ape, Z is for Zeno: Two Recently Discovered Early Pictorial Alphabets’; T. and [End Page 109] E. Detmold Holliday, ‘The Holliday Bookshop, New York, 1920–51’; S. Markham, ‘Roger Gaskell’; M. M. Foot, ‘A Binding Probably Made in Amsterdam in the Early 1770s’; I. Jackson, ‘The Nun, the Housekeeper and Al Shumate’;
Brio: Journal of the IAML (UK & Irl), 49, 1 (Spring/Summer 2012)
Includes: O. Baldwin and T. Wilson, ‘Part Songs and Catches from an Essex Village: The Secular Publications of the Psalmodist John Arnold (1720–1792)’; A. Morris, ‘Highlights of the Foyle Menuhin Manuscript Collection at the Royal Academy of Music’; L. Foreman, ‘Music Publishing in the First Half of the Twentieth Century: A View from the Publishing House: Based on an Interview with Robert Douglas’.
Bulletin of the German Historical Institute Washington DC, 47 (Fall 2010)
Includes: Pamela H. Smith, ‘Why Write a Book? From Lived Experience to the Written Word in Early Modern Europe’.
Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 84, 1 & 2 (2002) published 2011
Whole issue is devoted to A. B. Robertson and C. Lees, ‘The University of Manchester, 1918–50: New Approaches and Changing Perspectives’. This has sections on ‘The Manchester University Press’ and ‘The Manchester University Library’.
Christ Church Library Newsletter, 7, 3 (Trinity 2011)
Includes: M. Chambers, ‘The Aeschylus of Richard Porson’; D. Stumpp, ‘Cataloguing “Z”: Early Printed Pamphlets’; C. Neagu, ‘The Perfect Picture: The Masses of William Byrd (MUS 489–493)’.
Cultural History, 1, 2 (October 2012)
Includes: D. Simonton, ‘Threading the Needle, Pulling the Press: Gender, Skill and the Tools of the Trade in Eighteenth-Century European Towns’.
Dublin James Joyce Journal, 3 (2010)
Includes: G. Long, ‘William Rooney’s “An Irish Rural Library”’.
Early Music, 40, 1 (February 2012)
Includes: P. Schubert and J. E. Cumming, ‘Text and Motif c. 1500: A New Approach to Text Underlay’.
Eighteenth-Century Studies, 45, 3 (Spring 2012)
Includes: M. Kennedy, ‘Reading the Enlightenment in...

