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Ibsen in North America: A Checklist for the Sesquicentennial M. S. BARRANGER I. Books EIKELAND. PETER J. Ibsen Studies. 1939 Reprint. New York: Haskell House Publishers, Ltd., 1978. FLORES, ANGEL. ed. Ibsen Four Essays. 1937 Reprint. New York: Haskell House Publishers, Ltd., 1978. GRAY, RONALD. Ibsen- A Dissenting View: A Study of the Last Twelve Plays. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1977. HORNBY, RICHARD. "Ibsen's A Doll's House" in Script into Performance: A Structuralist View of Play Production. Austin: UnIversity of Texas Press, 1977. pp. 153-172. IBSEN, HENRlK. Ib~ien: The Complete Major Prose Plays. "Trans. and Introductions by Rolf Fjelde. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1978. __ . The Correspondence of Henrik Ibsen. Ed., Mary Morison. 1905 Reprint. New York: Haskell House Publishers, Ltd., 1978. . From Ibsen's Workshop: NOles, ScenariOS, Drafts. 1913 Reprint. New York: Da Capo Press, Inc., 1978. __ . Speeches and New Letters. 1910 Reprint. New York: Haskell House Publishers, Ltd., 1978. JAEGER. H. Henn'k Ibsen: A Critical Biography. 1901 Reprint. New York: Haskell House Publishers, Ltd., 1978. JORGENSON, THEODORE. History of Norwegian Literature. 1933 Reprint. New York: Haskell House Publishers, Ltd., 1978. LAYRlN, JANKO. Ibsen and His Creation. 1921 Reprint. New York: Haskell House Publishers, Ltd., 1978. MILLER. ARTHUR. "Preface to An Adaptation of Ibsen's An Enemy 0/ the 253 254 M. S. BARRANGER People" in The Theater Essays of Arthur Miller. Edited with intrD. by Robert A. Martin. New York: Viking Press, 1978. pp. 16-21. PERRY, JOHN. John A. Herne: The American Ibsen. Chicago: Nelson-Hall Publishers , 1978. ROBERTS, RICHARD ELLIS. Henrik Ibsen: A Critical Study. 1922 Reprint. New York: Haskell House Publishers, Ltd., 1978. ROBINS, ELIZABETH. Ibsen and the Actress. 1928 Reprint. New York : Haskell House Publishers, Ltd., 1978. ROSE. HENRY. Henrik Ibsen: Poet, Myslic and Moralist. 1913 Reprint. New York: Haskell House Publishers, Ltd., 1978. RUSSELL, SIR EDWARD R. AND STANDING, PERCY CROSS. Ibsen on His Merits. 1897 Reprint New York: Haskell House Publishers, Ltd., 1978. SCHWARZ, ALFRED. From Buchner To Beckett: Dramatic Theory and the Modes of Tragic Drama. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1978. "lURNBULL, H. G. D. Shakespeare and Ibsen. 1926 Reprint. New York: Haskell House Publishers, Ltd., [978. 11. Articles BARRANGER, M. s. "The Lady from (he Sea: Ibsen in Transition," Modern Drafllll, 21, No.4 (December 1978),393-403. BIGLEY. BRUCE. "Praxis and Stasis in Ibsen's Bygmester So/ness- or What Ever Happened to Plot and Character?" Scandinavian Studies. 50, No.2 (Spring 1978), 195-2 10. BROOKS. COLETTE. "Artaud and [bsen." Theater, 9, No.3 (Summer 1978), 3641 . BRUNSDALE, MITZI M. "Lawrence and the Myth of Brynhild." Western Humanities Review, 31, No. 4 (Autumn 1977), 342-8. DUBIE. NORMAN. "The Fox Who Watched For the Midnight Sun" (A Poem). The New Yorker, 31 July 1978, p. 32. DURBACH. ERROL. "The Dramatic Poetry of Ibsen's Ghosts." Mosaic, I) (Summer 1978), 55-56. __ . "Temptation to Err: The Denouement of Rosmersho/m." The Educational Theatre Journal, 29, No.4 (December 1977), 477-485. FlELDE. ROLF. "The Lady from the Sea: Ibsen's Positive World-View in a Topographic Figure." Modern Drama, 21, No.4 (December 1978), 379-391. FUCHS. ELINOR. "O'Neill's Poet: Touched by Ibsen." The Educational Theatre Journal, 3D, No.4 (December 1978), 513-516. JOHNSTON, BRIAN. "The Mediocre Angels of De unges Forbund." Scandinavian Studies, 50 (Summer 1978), 304-317. JONES. DAVID RICHARD. "The Virtues of Hedda Gabler." The Educational Theatre Journal, 29, No.4 (December 1977), 447-462. JUNG. u. O. T. "Nora is Calling Jesus: A Nineteenth-Century European Dilemma in Afro-American Garb." CLA Journal, 21 (December 1977), 251255 . AN IBSEN CHECKLIST 255 LELAND, CHARLES. "In Defense of Pastor Manders." Modern Drama, 21 . No.4 (December 1978), 405-420. McCREDIE, BRIAN D. "Falcons and Ducks: A Possible Source of Ibsen's Wild Duck Symbol." Modern Language Notes, 93 (April 1978), 492-497. MARKER, LlSE·LONE AND MARKER, FREDERICK J. "Ibsen's Theatre: Aspects of a Chronicle and a Ques!." Modern Drama, 21, No.4 (December 1978), 345371 . MODERN DRAMA. "Special Ibsen Issue." 21, No.4 (December 1978). NETfELS, ELSA. "[William Dean] Howells and Ibsen." Texas Studies in Literature & Language, 20 (Summer 1978), 153-168...

