In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

The Contributors TOSHIHIKO SATO: Professor Sato is a member of the faculty of the University of Iowa and an Associate Editor of Modem Drama. He has published widely in England, Japan, U.S.A. and Scandinavian countries. MAKOTO UEDA: Professor Ueda teaches Japanese at the University of Toronto. His most recent book is Zeami, Basho, Yeats, Pound: A Study in Japanese and English Poetics (The Hague). JOSEPH S. M. LAU: Professor Lau teaches in the Department of Comparative Literature at the University of Wisconsin. He is the author of articles pub· lished in the Journal of Asian Studies and other noted scholarly journals. JAMES T. ARAKI: Dr. Araki is Professor of Japanese at the University of Hawaii He is the author of a book, The Ballad Drama of Medieval Japan (1964) and the co·translator (with D. M. Brown) of Studies in Shinto Thought (1964). CONSTANTINE TUNG: Assistant Professor of Chinese in the Department of Oriental Studies, Princeton University. JAMES R. BRANDON: Associate Professor of Speech and Comparative Literature at Michigan State University. His most recent book, Theatre in Southeast Asia, will be published by Harvard University Press next month. At present Professor Brandon is in Japan under a Fulbright research grant. A. C. SCOTT: Professor Scott is Director of Asian Theater Program at the Uni· versity of Wisconsin, and has numerous articles and books on Chinese drama. His most recent book, The Traditional Chinese Plays, has just been published by the University of Wisconsin Press. FRANK T. MOTOFUJI: Dr. Motofuji is an Assistant Professor of Japanese at the University of California, Berkeley. Among his publications is his transla· tion of Kawatake Mokuami's Kabuki play, The Love of lzayoi and Seishin which was published in Tokyo last year. DAVID Y. CHEN: Professor Chen has taught Chinese at Stanford University and is now an Assistant Professor at Yale University. He has contributed to such journals as the Journal of Asian Studies and Yearbook of General and Comparative Literature. ...

