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Contributors CHARLES A. CARPENTER, Professor of English at SUNY - Binghamton, has contributed the Annual Bibliography to Modern Drama since 1974. He has published a book on Shaw, a Goldentree Bibliography of Modern British Drama, and many articles. His present project, an international bibliography of modem drama studies, 1966-1980, is ahout to be issued by the University of Toronto Press. MICHAEL COHEN is Senior Lecturer in English at the University ofSalford, England. He entered university teaching in mid-career after working in adult education and did a late doctorate on aspects ofdocumentary theatre in the 19605. His publications in the field of drama include essays in British and American journals on Brecht, Shaw, Conor Cruise O'Brien, and documentary theatre. He is currenrly working on a full-length study of John Arden. He has also contributed (as an actor) to the work of the Salford University Theatre Company. RICHARD JOHNSTONE is Senior Lecturer in English at the Hertfordshire College of Higher Education, and the author of The Will to Believe: Novelists of the Nineteenthirties (Oxford University Press, 1982). MARTIN W. WALSH is head of the Drama Program at the Residential College, University ofMichigan. He has published several articles on the German Fasmachtspiel and related camivalesque subjects, and has produced and directed his own translations of early and contemporary German theatre. He is also Managing Director and Dramaturge for the Brecht Company in Ann Arbor. ...

