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BIBLIOGRAPHY ON MICHEL de GHELDERODE Abel, Lionel. "Our Man in the 16th Century: Michel de Ghelderode," Tulane Drama Review, VIII, No. 1 (Fall 1963), 62-71. Audiberti, Jacques. "Un an de critique," La Parisienne, No. 12 (Dec. 1953), 16201626 . Auteurs, Fran~ais, Les. Dictionnaire des auteurs franfais. Paris, 1961, 164. Avant-Poste, L', III (1938). Banti, Anna. "Ghelderode," Paragone, anno I, No. 4 (Aprile 1950), 57-58. Beigbeder, Marc. Le Theatre en France Depuis la Liberation. Paris, Bordas, 1959. Bonnefoi, Genevieve. "Ghelderode et Lorca au TheAtre de l'Oeuvre," Les Lettres Nouvelles, No. 10 (Dec. 1953). 1358-1360. Brady, Leo. "The Showcase," The Critic (Feb.-March 1961), 66. Buckinx, P. G. "In Memoriam Michel de Ghelderode," Dietsche Warande en Belfort, CVII, 375-376. Cahiers du Nord, "Sur la Litterature Fran~ise de Belgique," serie XXIII, Cahiers 98 et 99, Nos. 5 et 6 (1953-54), 324-339· Cavalcabo, M. T. "Atti Vnici de Ghelderode," Idea, anno VII, No. 15 (Aprile 10, 1955), 2. Columbia Encyclopedia, 3rd ed. New York, 1963, 822. Commonweal, The, "Hop Signor, Criticism," 76 (June 1, 1962), 259-60. Dautrepont, G. Histoire Illustrie de la Litterature Franfaise en Belgique. Bruxelles, 1939· Draper, Samuel. "Infernal Theatre," The Commonweal, LXXI, No. 10 (Dec. 4, 1959), 279-82. ---. "Neglected Playwright, Discovery of Ghelderode," The Commonweal, 73 (October 28, 1960), 113-115. - - . Modern Drama, IV, NO.2 (Sept. IgGl), 217-218. - - . Michel de Ghelderode: 1898-1g62," The Commonweal, LXXVI, NO.7 (May 11, 1962), 167-168. ---, et al. "Modern Dramatist," New York Times, The, Book Review (April 22, 1962). ---. "Michel de Ghelderode: A Personal Statement," Tulane Drama Review, VIII, No. 1 (FaIl 1963), 33-50. --~. "Michel de Ghelderode: More Life than Death," Drama Critique, Vol. VIII, No. I, Winter, 1965. Drevat, Marguerite. Bibliographie de la Litterature Franfaise, I94o-I949. Paris, 1954· Faille, P. della. "Plaisir de Questionner Ghelderode," Ds: Parler 9 (automne 1959), 36-38. Figaro Litteraire, Le, "Michel de Ghelderode a Paris," (October 31, 1953), 12. Florquin, J. "Werd de Ghelderode in het Nederlands Vertaald?", Dietsche Warande en Belfort, CVII, 376. Francis, Jean. "L'Univers de Michel de Ghelderode," La Revue Thti1trale, No. 9-10 (1948). --_. Michel de Ghelderode, Dramaturge des pays de par-deca, Bruxelles, Labor, 1949· - - , and Roger Iglesis. "Michel de Ghelderode," Chrysalis, III, IV (1949) Sf. Funke, Lewis. "Theatre: 3 One Act Plays at the Gate," New York Times (July 23, 1960). Ganne, Gilbert. Interviews impubliables. A. Bonne, Paris, 1952. 255. 332 1965 MICHEL DE GHELDERODE 333 Grossvogel, David I. "Fernand Crommelynck and Michel de Ghelderode: Two Farce Authors and an Attempt to Situate an Aspect of the Contemporary Theatre ," Dissertation Abstracts XIV (1954), 1411. (Columbia University dissertation .) ---. "Plight of the Comic Author and Some New Departures in Contemporary Comedy," Romanic Review, 45 (Dec. 1954), 268-70. ---. The Self-Conscious Stage in Modern French Drama. New York, 1958. Guicharnaud, Jacques. Modern French Theatre from Giraudoux to Beckett. New . Haven, 1958. Guicharnaud, Jacques. Modern French Theatre. New Haven, IgBl. Guth, Paul. "A la Recherche de Michel de Ghelderode, l'Auteur Dramatique sulfureux ," Le Figaro Litteraire (April 1, 1950). Harris, Leonard. "Ghelderode Let Down," The New York World Telegram (Dec. 3, 1963). - - . "Signor Opens at the Cricket," The New York World Telegram (May 8, 1962). Hauger, George, "Dispatches from The Prince of Ostrelande," Tulane Drama Review, VIII, No. 1 (Fall 1963), 24-32. ---. "Notes on the Plays of Michel de Ghelderode," Tulane Drama Review, IV, No. 1 (Sept. 1959), 19-30. Hellens, Franz. "Style et Caractere, Essai Critique," Renaissance du Livre, Bruxelles (1956), 189. Herz, M. "Tragedy, Poetry and the Burlesque in Ghelderode's Theatre," Yale French Studies, 29 (1962), 92-101. Iglesis, R., and A. Trutat. Michel de Ghelderode: Les Entretiens d'Ostende, L'Arche, Paris, 1956. Italiaander, R. "Michel de Ghelderode (belgischer schriftsteller)," Deutsche Rundschau, 77 (March 1951), 279-81. Jacobi, Peter. "Chicago Samples the Absurd," The Christian Science MonitoT (March 25, 1963). Kamras, Hugo. "Om Proust och Nagra Till," Gerbers, Stockholm (1956) 3 p.l., 7-196 (7-33 on de Ghelderode). Kelly, Kevin. "De Ghelderode's 'Escurial,' Cryptic, Grim, Fascinating," The Boston Globe (Nov. 10, 1961). Kerr, Walter. "Off Broadway Report: 'Hop Signor,'" The New York HeTald Tribune (May 8, 1962). Kliewer, Warren, "Ghelderode...

