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Contributors HERBERT BLAV was until recently Artistic Director of the experimental theater group KRAKEN and is currently Professor of English at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee , where he is also a Senior Fellow at the Center for Twentieth Century Studies. He was (with Jules Irving) co-founder and co-director of The Actor's Workshop of San Francisco and afterwards co-director of The Repertory Theater of Lincoln Center in New York. He is the author of The Impossible Theater.' A Manifesto and oftwo new books, Take Up the Bodies: Theater at the Vanishing Point, just published, and Blooded Thought: Occasions o/Theater, about to appear. CHARLES A. CARPENTER, Professor of English at SUNY - Binghamton, has contributed the Annual Bibliography to Modern Drama since 1974. He has published a book on Shaw, a Goldentree Bibliography of Modem British Drama, and many articles. His present project is an international bibliography of modern drama studies, 1966-1980. MAURICE CHARNEY is Distinguished Professor of English at Rutgers University. where he teaches courses in Shakespeare and popular literary forms. He is author of Shakespeare's Roman Plays, Style in "Hamlet", and How to Read Shakespeare, and has edited Timon ofAthens and Julius Caesar. More recently, he has written books on themes from popularculture: Comedy High andLow and Sexual Fiction . In addition, he is working on a book on Joe Orton for the MacmiUan Modem Dramatists series, as well as another book on Hamlet, called (tentatively) "Hamlet" as Comedy. RUBY COHN. Professor ofComparative Drama at the University ofCalifomia, Davis, is a distinguished member of the editorial boards of Modem Drama and Theatre Journal. She is the author of numerous works on modem drama and has written several books on the work of Samuel Beckett. Her book-length studies include: Samuel Beckett: The Comic Gamut; Currents in Contemporary Drama; Dialogue in American Drama; Back to Beckett; Modern Shakespeare Offshoots; and, most recently, Just Play; Beckeu's Theater and New American Dramatists 1960- 1980. 592 Contributors EUN DIAMOND is Assistant Professor of English at I1Iinois State University. where she teaches modern drama. She is currently editorof"Theatre Review" of Theatre Journal. COLIN DUCKWORTH is Professor of French at the University of Melbourne. His writings on French fiction, poetry and drama include a critical edition of En attendant Godo!, Angels ofDarkness: Dramatic Effect i'l Becketiand /onesco, and translations of twelve of TardieuI s plays. He has directed several of Beckett's and Tardieu's plays in London, Auckland and Melbourne, including the Australian premieres of Rockaby and Ohio Impromptu. He is now writing Anglo-French Drama Criticism, 1950-1980. ANDREW K. KENNEDY teaches Engljsh Literature and Drama at the University of Bergen and is an Associate of Clare Hall, Cambridge. He has written two books on dramatic language: Six Dramatists in Search ofa Language; and Dramatic Dialogue (forthcoming ), a study of the personal duv;ogue from Sophocles to Shepard. Apart from numerous critical articles, he has a1so published shorter fiction and poetry. MARIE-CLAIRE PASQUIER teaches at the University of Paris-X-Nanterre, France. She is the author of Le Theatre america;1I d'aujourd'hui, and a contributor to Les Temps modernes, La Quinzaine litteraire, Les Cahiers Renaud-Barrault, Les CaMers europeens, Theatre/public. She has just completed a translation of Gertrude Stein's Doctor Faustus .Lights the Lights, which Richard Foreman directed at the Theatre de Gennevilliers in the fall of 1982. She has also translated Edward Bond's Lear (in collaboration with director Simone Benmussa), which Patrice Chereau directed at the Theatre National Populaire in 1976. She is currently writing a book on Gertrude Stein's theatre. RICHARD KELLER SIMON is an Assistant Professor of English at the University of Texas at Austin, where he teaches classes in comedy and satire. He has published essays in The Psychoanalytic Review, Texas Studies ill Literature and Language, and Studies;n the Novel. ...

