In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Contributors ODETTE ASLAN is a member of the research group 00 theatre and music at the Centre national de recherche scientifique in Paris. She has published L'Artdu thlatre. L'Acteur au XXe siec1e and Genet with Seghers, and has frequently contributed to the series us Voies de la creation thealrale. DElUUCX DE KERCKHOVE is an Associate Professor of French at the University of Toronto. He studied communications and media with Marshall McLuhan, and has translated several afhis books into French. He has recently written "ATheory ofGreek Tragedy," and Sociology a/Tragedy to be published in the autumn of [982. BERNARD OORT is a Professor at the Institut d'6tudes th6AtraIes at J'Universit6 de Paris m. Among his numerous publications are such books as Lecture de Brecht (1960), Thieltre public (1967), Thiel"e riel ([971), and Thiel"e en}eu ([979). JOSElTE nUL has published articles on the semiotics of theatre, naturalist theatre, carnival and the Qu~bec theatre in Litterature, Les Cahiers naturaJistes, l EU, Les Cahiers de recherches semiotiques, and has edited a special number of Sub-stance on Theater in France: Ten Years of Research (No. 18/19, 1977). She is studying the problem of the actor's perfonnance. especially in the experimental theatre. ARMAND GATIl is an internationally famous theatrical writer and director. PIERRE GOBIN is a Professor of French at Queen's University, Kingston, where he is active in the Parody study group. He has published widely on the theatre, including a study of Quebec drama, Le Fou erses doubles ([978). He is completing a second book on "Figures de la dramaturgiequtbecoise,II and working on amajorstudy of"Les Sots et la sonie" in France since the Renaissance. DICK HIGGINS is an American editor, writer and performer of plays, films and happenings. MICHAEL KIRBY is Artistic Director ofThe Structuralist Workshop, which has recently produced his The Alchemical Caligari off-Off-Broadway. He is the Editor of The 188 Contributors Drama Review and a Professor in the Perfonnance Studies Department of New York University's School of the Arts. WLADlMIR KRYSINSKI is a Professor of Comparative and Slavic Literatures at l'Universit~ de Montr~al. He has published widely on the theatre, and has recently completed Carre/our des signes: essai sur Ie roman moderne. KAREN LAUGHLIN teaches twentieth-century English literature at Erindale College, University of Toronto. A comparativist specializing in modem drama and literary theory. she has also taught modern drama, modem literary studies, and French language courses. Her doctoral dissertation is a study of inner narratives in pJays from France, Britain, and the Americas. JOSEPH MELAN~ON is a Professor in the Department of Literature at l'Universit6 Laval and was for three years Director of Etudes litteraires. He has published several articles on theatre in Les Cahiers de ta Ncr, and is active on such reviews as Liberti, Le Quebec lineraire, The French Review, Francia and Studi canadesi. He is co-director with Cl6ment Moisan ofagroup studying literary training in the classical colleges in Qu~bec from 1852 to 1968. PHlLIPMONK is an art critic who lives in Toronto. He publishes in Parachute,lmpulse, Canadian Forum, Maclean's, and elsewhere. CHANTAL PONTBRIAND is a free-lance art critic in Montreal, and Editor and co-founder of the contemporary art magazine Parachute. She has been curator for programmes at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts and the National Gallery in Ottawa, taught at Concordia University, contributed to reviews such as Artscanada, and directed the two-month multidisciplinary programme Performance, which gave rise to Performance : Text!e)s & Documents (Mon~al, 1981). JEANNEITE LAILLOU SAVONA is an Associate Professor of French at Trinity College, University of Toronto, and an Associate Editor of Modern Drama. Her publications include Le Juif dans Ie roman americain contemporain, articles on Camus, Genet and the theory ofdrama. Sherecently edited aspecial issue of Etudes litteraires on semiotics of theatre (December 1980) entitled "ThMtre et thMtralite." She is presently writing a book on Genet for Macmillan of London. RICHARD SCHECHNER is a Professor of Performance Studies at New York Univenity's School of the Arts. Founder and fonneely director of The Perfonnance Group, he has directed many experimental theatre works...

