In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Contributors CHARLES A. CARPENTER, Professor ofEnglish at SUNY - Binghamton, has contributed the Annual Bibliography to Modern Drama since 1974. He has published a book on Shaw, a Goldentree Bibliography of Modern British Drama, and many articles. His present project is an international bibliography of modem drama studies, 1966-1980. BRIAN POCKNELL is an Associate Professor ofFrench and past Chainnan of the Dramatic Arts programs at McMaster University. Afounder member of the Association des Amis de Jacques Copeau, he is currently engaged in preparing a study of the theatre in France in the twentieth century. JEANNETTE LAILLOU SAVONA is an Associate Professor of French at Trinity College, University of Toronto, and an Associate Editor of Modern Drama. Her publications include Le luij dans Ie roman americain contemporain, articles on Camus, Genet and the theory of drama. She has just edited a special issue of Etudes lilteraires (December 1980) entitled "Theatre et theatralite" on semiotics of theatre. She is presently w~ting a book on Jean Genet for Macmillan of London. ...

