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Contributors CHARLES A. CARPENTER, Associate Professor of English at SUNY - Binghamton, bas contributed the Annual Bibliography to Modern Drama since 1974. He has published a book on Shaw. aGoJdentree Bibliography of Modern British Drama. and many articles. His present project is an international bibliography of modem drama studies, 19661980 . HAZEL KING CAZORLA, a native of England, received her degrees in Spanish from Oxford University and acted in theatrical productions of the Oxford University Dramatic Society (OUDS) and the Experimental Theatre Club there. She subsequently acted in London before moving to Spain. She directed student productions in Seville, and later in the University ofDallas, Texas, where she and her Spanish lawyer husband now live and work. As an Associate Professor of Spanish and erstwhile Chairman of Foreign Languages and Literatures, she has published articles on the contemporary Spanish drama, including one on Antonio Gala in the Autumn 1978 issue of Estreno. DREWEY WAYNE GUNN is Associate Professorof English at Texas A&l University ofthe University of South Texas system. Scarecrow Press published his Tennessee Williams: A Bibliography in 1980. He is also author of American and British Writers in Mexico, 1556- 1973. published by the University ofTexas Press in 1974. HILDEGARD HAMMERSCHMIDT is Professor of English at the University ofMainz, Federal Republic of Gennany. Presently on sabbatical, she serves as the German Consul for Cultural Affairs in Toronto. In 1979 she became a member of the board of directors of the Association of Scientists ("Verband der Wissenschaftler an Forschungsinstituten e.V.") in Munich. Her pUblications include: Die Importgueterder Handelsstadt London als Sprach- und Bi/dbereich des elisabethanischen Dramas (1979: her "Habilitationsschrift "); The Historical Drama in England (1956-1971) (1972; her doctoral thesis); and many essays on modem and English Renaissance literature, and on linguistics. GERRY MCCARTHY lectures at the University of Binningham, Department of Drama and Theatre Arts, with special interests in acting, and in French and Modem American theatre, and is currently at work on a book on the theatre of Edward Albee. Contributors 125 PETER L. PODOL is ProfessorofSpanish at Lock Haven State College in Pennsylvania. A specialist in contemporary Hispanic theater, he is the author of Fernando Arrabal (1978) in the Twayne World Authors series and of numerous articles and reviews for professional journals such as Hispanic Review, Hispania, Revista de estudios hispani~ cos, Studies in Twentieth Century Literature, West Coast Review, Hispanojila, Explicad6n de textos !iterarios, Estreno and Latin American Theater Review. At Lock Haven he initiated and continues to participate actively in the production, in Spanish, of contemporary Hispanic plays. BRUCE W. POWE is aToronto writer, poet, journalist, and critic. He received his Honours B.A. from York University, and his M.A. from the University of Toronto. He is currently at work on a novel and a study of Wyndham Lewis. GABRIELLE ROBINSON is Assistant Professor of English at Indiana University, at South Bend. She has published a number of articles on modem theatre for Modern Drama, Theatre Journal and The Shaw Review. HANS VAN DEN BERGH taught French and Dutch for many years at various grammar schools in Amsterdam. He wrote his thesis in 1972 on "Constants in Comedy: A Study of Comic Effect and Experience." He has been theatre critic for various literary journals and newspapers (Hollands Maandblad, Haarlems Dagblad, Het PoroD!), and has contributed articles to many Dutch magazines (including Vrij Nederland, Tirade, De Revisor, Spektator). Since 1969, he has been on the staff of the University of Amsterdam , where he teaches Modem Dutch literature. His Texts/or Spectators. An Introduction to the Theory o/Drama was published in J979. ANCA VLASOPOLOS, an Assistant Professor of English at Wayne State University with a Ph.D. in Compardtive Literature, teaches genre and theme courses that have a comparative -literature approach; has recently completed a book on the symbolic method in Coleridge, Baudelaire, and Yeats; and has previously published on drama in Renaissance Quarterly (Spring 1978). ...

