In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Notes on Contributors

Juliette Dade is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the French and Francophone Studies Program at Bucknell University. Her research and previous articles center around fin-de-siècle studies, with a focus on gender studies, Sapphic autobiographic texts, and pre-cinematic discourse in Naturalist and Decadent novels.

Valérie Dusaillant-Fernandes est professeure-enseignante au Département d'études françaises de l'Université de Waterloo. Elle s'intéresse aux textes de l'extrême contemporain qui traitent de traumas personnel (inceste, deuil, abus physiques ou psychologiques) et collectif (génocide, conflits armés, catastrophes naturelles), de la poétique de la maladie et de la représentation de l'exil ou du départ. À ce jour, elle a publié plusieurs articles sur des écrivaines contemporaines françaises (Nimier, Châtelet, Chawaf, Nothomb, Delaume) et francophones (Kim Thuy, Nina Bouraoui, Scholastique Mukasonga).

Eilene Hoft-March is Professor of French at Lawrence University (Wisconsin). Much of her work has grown out of an interest in late 20th- and early 21st-century autobiography. She has published articles on such authors as Barthes, Beauvoir, Cardinal, Cixous, Kofman, Nimier, and Perec. Her most recent focus is on life-writing that raises the ethical dilemmas implicit in the literary gestures of acknowledging others, giving to others, forgiving others, and mourning others.

Vera Klekovkina is an Assistant Professor of French at the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point. Her research interests span from 19th to 21st century French literature and cinema. She works on Marcel Proust's A la Recherche du temps perdu and its cinematic adaptations, women's writing—especially the works of Amélie Nothomb and Anna Gavalda, cinema and ethics, theories of the subject, and technology, from both cultural and pedagogical standpoints. She has written on the interplay of the visual and textual aspects in Proust, psychological projection in Villiers de l'Isle-Adam's Eve future, masculinity in Gavalda's novels, Emmanuel Levinas' ethics of responsibility, and contemporary French cinema.

Regina Peszat is currently Visiting Assistant Professor at Cottey College where she teaches courses in French, Women's Studies, and Film Studies. She has also published another article on Ernaux, "Effects of Optical Illusion in the Works of Annie Ernaux" in the Cincinnati Romance Review. Regina is also interested in authors d'expression française such as Azouz Begag, Albert Memmi, and Malika Mokeddem. [End Page 127]

Karin Schwerdtner est professeure agrégée au Département d'études françaises à l'Université Western Ontario. Auteure d'une monographie sur La femme errante (2005) et de plusieurs articles sur la littérature contemporaine (des femmes, surtout), elle vient de diriger, avec Anne Martine Parent, le numéro 5 (2012) de la revue Temps zéro, "Lacunes et silences de la transmission. L'héritage à l'épreuve dans les écrits contemporains". Elle prépare un livre d'entretiens avec des écrivains femmes en France.

Edith Biegler Vandervoort is currently Lecturer of German at the University of North Texas. Author of several articles focusing on gender identity in German and French-Canadian literature, as well as a bibliography on masculinities in the literature of French Canada, which appeared in the spring edition of the Women in French newsletter in 2009, her compilation of articles entitled "Masculinities in Twentieth- and Twenty-first-Century French and Francophone Literature" was published in 2011 by Cambridge Scholar's Publishing. [End Page 128]


