In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Erratum

"Distribution of the Lactase Persistence-Associated Variant Alleles -13910*T and -13915*G among the People of Oman and Yemen," by Abdul Rahim Al-Abri, Omar Al-Rawas, Saeed Al-Yahyaee, Molham Al-Habori, Adel Sharaf Al-Zubairi, and Riad Bayoumi, Human Biology 84(3):271-286 (June 2012).

In the printed version of the article, figure 1 ("The interpolation map of frequency distribution of the lactase persistence associated allele - 13915*G in the Arabian Peninsula and surrounding countries.") was incorrectly reproduced in black and white. With apologies to the authors and readers, we are reprinting the full article with the original figure now in color. [End Page 449]


