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  • Index to Volume 62


Amit, Rea, On the Structure of Contemporary Japanese Aesthetics, 2 : 174-185
The Ancients Did not Fix Their Graves: Failure in Early Confucian Ritual, Michael David Kaulana Ing, 2 : 223-245
Barnhart, Michael G., Theory and Comparison in the Discussion of Buddhist Ethics, 1 : 16-43
Beyond the Five Relationships: Teachers and Worthies in Early Chinese Thought, David Elstein, 3 : 375-391
Chang, Wonsuk, Ch'oe Han-gi's Confucian Philosophy of Experience: New Names for Old Ways of Thinking, 2 : 186-196
Ch'oe Han-gi's Confucian Philosophy of Experience: New Names for Old Ways of Thinking, Wonsuk Chang, 2 : 186-196
Dasti, Matthew R., Parasitism and Disjunctivism in Nyāya Epistemology, 1 : 1-15
The Definition of Universal Concomitance as the Absence of Undercutting Conditions, G. G. Krishnamurthi, 3 : 359-374
Elstein, David, Beyond the Five Relationships: Teachers and Worthies in Early Chinese Thought, 3 : 375-391
The Existential Moment: Rereading Dōgen's Theory of Time, Rein Raud, 2 : 153-173
Fingarette on Moral Agency in the Analects, Richard Reilly, 4 : 529-544
Hōnen and James on Religious Transformation: Psychological Conditions of Conversion and the Nembutsu, Yumiko Inukai, 4 : 439-462
How Meaning Moves: Tan Sitong on Borrowing across Cultures, Leigh K. Jenco, 1 : 92-113
Indian Emergencies: Baranī's Fatāwā-i Jahāndārī, the Diseases of the Body Politic, and Machiavelli's Accidenti, Vasileios Syros, 4 : 545-573
Ing, Michael David Kaulana, The Ancients Did not Fix Their Graves: Failure in Early Confucian Ritual, 2 : 223-245
Inukai, Yumiko, Hōnen and James on Religious Transformation: Psychological Conditions of Conversion and the Nembutsu, 4 : 439-462
Jenco, Leigh K., How Meaning Moves: Tan Sitong on Borrowing across Cultures, 1 : 92-113
Kim, Youngmin, Political Unity in Neo-Confucianism: The Debate between Wang Yangming and Zhan Ruoshui, 2 : 246-263
Kitarō, Nishida, The Unsolved Issue of Consciousness, trans. with an introd. by John W. M. Krummel, 1 : 44-59
Krishnamurthi, G. G., The Definition of Universal Concomitance as the Absence of Undercutting Conditions, 3 : 359-374
Krummel, John W. M., trans., The Unsolved Issue of Consciousness, Nishida Kitarō, 1 : 44-59
Kuznetsova, Irina, Utpaladeva's Conception of Self in the Context of the Ātmavāda-anātmavāda Debate and in Comparison with Western Theological Idealism, 3 : 339-358
McLeod, Alexus, Ren as a Communal Property in the Analects, 4 : 505-528
Mohist Care, Dan Robins, 1 : 60-91
Nishida Kitarō, G.W.F. Hegel, and the Pursuit of the Concrete: A Dialectic of Dialectics, Lucy Schultz, 3 : 319-338
Odagiri, Takushi, On Nishida's Rationality Thesis, 2 : 197-222
On Nishida's Rationality Thesis, Takushi Odagiri, 2 : 197-222
On the Structure of Contemporary Japanese Aesthetics, Rea Amit, 2 : 174-185
Parasitism and Disjunctivism in Nyāya Epistemology, Matthew R. Dasti, 1 : 1-15
Political Unity in Neo-Confucianism: The Debate between Wang Yangming and Zhan Ruoshui, Youngmin Kim, 2 : 246-263
Raud, Rein, The Existential Moment: Rereading Dōgen's Theory of Time, 2 : 153-173
Reilly, Richard, Fingarette on Moral Agency in the Analects, 4 : 529-544
Ren and Gantong: Openness of Heart and the Root of Confucianism, Huaiyu Wang, 4 : 463-504
Ren as a Communal Property in the Analects, Alexus McLeod, 4 : 505-528
Robins, Dan, Mohist Care, 1 : 60-91
Schultz, Lucy, Nishida Kitarō, G.W.F. Hegel, and the Pursuit of the Concrete: A Dialectic of Dialectics, 3 : 319-338
Syros, Vasileios, Indian Emergencies: Baranī's Fatāwā-i Jahāndārī, the Diseases of the Body [End Page 617] Politic, and Machiavelli's Accidenti, 4 : 545-573
Theory and Comparison in the Discussion of Buddhist Ethics, Michael G. Barnhart, 1 : 16-43
The Unsolved Issue of Consciousness, Nishida Kitarō, trans. with an introd. by John W. M. Krummel, 1 : 44-59
Utpaladeva's Conception of Self in the Context of the Ātmavāda-anātmavāda Debate and in Comparison with Western Theological Idealism, Irina Kuznetsova, 3 : 339-358
Wang, Huaiyu, Ren and Gantong: Openness of Heart and the Root of Confucianism, 4 : 463-504

Book Reviews

Abu-Rabiʿ, Ibrahim M., ed., Theodicy and Justice in Modern Islamic Thought: The...
