In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • In Future Issues

George Savran  Theophany as Type Scene

Amos Frisch  Responses to Explicit Moral Evaluation by a Character in Biblical Narrative

Elsie Stern  Transforming Comfort: Hermeneutics and Theology in the Haftarot of Consolation

Adena Tanenbaum  Of a Pietist Gone Bad and Des(s)erts Not Had: Zechariah Aldahiri's Sefer hamusar

Dafna Clifford  On Esther Kreitman

Sheila E. Jelen  She Sermonizes in Wool and Flax: Dvora Baron's Literary Vernacular

Samuel Moyn  Emanuel Levinas's Talmudic Readings

Zvia Ginor  Mania, Mother, and Zion in Orly Castel-Bloom


Arnold J. Band Holtz's Annotated Edition of Agnon's Hakhnasat kallah| Abigail Gillman Beyond Dialogue: New Scholarship in German-Jewish Studies | Julian Levinson Arthur A. Cohen's Resplendent Vision | Elliot Rabin The Eternal Maskil | Yaron Peleg The Critic as a Dialectical Zionist: Gershon Shaked's Hebrew Fiction 1880-1980| Yishai Rosen-Zvi Blood, Identity, and Counter-Discourse: Rabbinic Writings on Menstruation | Lawrence Rosenwald Inclusion and Exclusion in the Norton Anthology of Jewish American Literature| Steven Weitzman King David's Spin-Doctors [End Page 119]


