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  • 三首詩
  • 商隱 李 (bio)
    Translated by Chloe Garcia Roberts (bio)


月浪衡天天宇濕,涼蟾落盡疏星入。雲屏不動掩孤嚬,西樓一夜風箏急。欲織相思花寄遠,終日相思卻相怨。但聞北鬥聲回環,不見長河水清淺。金魚鎖斷紅桂春,古時塵滿鴛鴦茵。堪悲小苑作長道,玉樹未憐亡國人。瑤琴愔愔藏楚弄,越羅冷薄金泥重。簾鉤鸚鵡夜驚霜,喚起南雲繞雲夢。雙璫丁丁聯尺素,内記湘川相識處。歌唇一世銜雨看,可惜馨香手中故。 [End Page 6]




薔薇泣幽素,翠帶花錢小。嬌郎癡若雲,抱日西簾曉。枕是龍宮石,割得秋波色。玉簟失柔膚,但見蒙羅碧。憶得前年春,未語含悲辛。歸來已不見,錦瑟長於人。今日澗底松,明日山頭檗。愁到天地翻,相看不相識。 [End Page 8]

Three Poems

Li Shangyin

Swallow Terrace: Autumn

Moonwaves traverse the heavens, heaven's vault is sodden.Cool Toad sets, spent. A smattering of stars descend.

Still screen of shimmering cloud, concealing a desolate face.All night, at the western tower, the wind chimes, anxious.

A wish to weave longing into flowers, send them into distance.Days of longing. Yet, rancor.

Only listen to the Northern Dipper, winding in orbit.Unseen, Long River's astral waters, clear and shallow.

Red laurel spring closed with a golden fish lock.Ancient dust fills the bed of a pair of mandarin ducks.

Worth grieving, how a little garden becomes the long road.A jade tree is merciless to the exile.

Jasper zither quietly hiding the alleyways of Chu.Yue gauze is cold, slight. Its gold embroidery weighted.

The parrot on the curtain hook startles at night frost,arouses southern mists, coiling through Cloud Dream Park.

A pair of clinking pearls tied to a letter.Recorded inside, our meeting place: Xiang River.

Witness to a lifetime of singing lips, withheld rain.Pity, how perfume's incense ages on the hand. [End Page 7]

Frost, Moon

First hearing of migrating geese.           Already, an absence of cicadas.

South of hundred foot tower,           water touches sky.

Blue Woman, Lunar Maiden,           both immune to the cold.

In moonlight, in frost,           a war of radiance and grace.

Chamber Music

Roses weep a secret pale.An azure sash. A tiny currency of flowers.

Beauteous boy, childish as a cloudembracing the sun, dawn, through western curtains.

The pillow is a dragon palace stone,carved in shades of autumn waves.

Jade mattress, absence of tender skin.All I see, silken emerald surface.

Remembering spring last year,bitter affliction held in the mouth. No words.

Upon my return, you were already unseen.The brocade zither outlasts the person.

Today a pine on the ravine floor,tomorrow a cork-tree on mountain's peak.

Agony: when heaven, earth, are overturnedwe will see each other, we will not be known. [End Page 9]

商隱 李

Li Shangyin 李商隱 (813-858) was born in Henan Province. A late-T'ang Dynasty poet, his works are known for their atmosphere and enigmatic depth, making his poems difficult to translate. He held low-level posts as a government official, and although he was appreciated in certain literary circles during his lifetime, his importance was not recognized until the twentieth century.

Chloe Garcia Roberts

Chloe Garcia Roberts is a poet and translator living in the Boston area. Her work has appeared, or is forthcoming, in Poetry International, Cerise Press, and Zoland Poetry. She is an editor at Zoland Poetry and the associate curator of the Woodberry Poetry Room at Harvard, where she helped establish the Omniglot Translation Seminar series.


