In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Announcements

Online Submission and Review System

The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) has an electronic manuscript submission and review system for Hispania. Submissions are only accepted through the ScholarOne Manuscripts system, which can be found at the following URL. Please bookmark it in your browser:

All articles and book/media reviews must be submitted electronically at the above URL. Hispania’s submission guidelines can also be accessed there by clicking on “Instructions & Forms” under “Resources” on the right-hand side of the log-in screen. Peer reviewers and journal staff will also be using the system for peer reviewing, manuscript tracking, and other correspondence. If you have not yet registered in the new system, please visit the URL above and click on “Register here” under “New User?” at the right-hand side of the log-in screen.

Peer Reviewers

If you would like to become a peer reviewer, please visit the new Hispania online submission and review system and click on “Register here” under “New User?” at the right-hand side of the log-in screen. From there, you will be guided to enter your personal information, create a user ID and password, and choose keywords that best relate to your areas of expertise. Once you have registered in the system, you can be considered for future peer reviewing, based on the keywords you select.

Call for Reviews / Registering to Review

If you are interested in reviewing books and/or media, please contact Book/Media Review Editor Domnita Dumitrescu at Hispania will not accept unsolicited reviews and does not publish reviews of works more than two years old. If you have a specific title in mind, please consult with the editor. We especially encourage offers to review film and other media resources. Members of the AATSP who wish to be considered as reviewers of book/ media reviews should upload their information at and send their CV to the Book/Media Review Editor. Publishers and authors should submit their materials for possible selection to Domnita Dumitrescu, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, California State University, Los Angeles, 5151 State University Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90032. Submitted materials will not be returned to publishers or authors, even if they are not selected for review. Because of the number of works that correspond to Hispania’s broad scope, not all requests to review specific items can be granted. An invitation to review does not guarantee publication. All reviews must pass through a double-anonymous review process and publication decisions are based upon reviewer comments and the discretion of the editors.

Dissertation Call

Hispania publishes annually a list of “Dissertations in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Languages and Literatures.” The forms for submitting reports on Completed (defended) and In Progress Dissertations are available at The deadline for inclusion in the 2012 Completed Dissertation list is December 1, 2012. More information is available via e-mail from Associate Editor David Knutson at [End Page 1]

Upcoming Special Focus Issues for Hispania

Hispania is pleased to announce the two forthcoming Special Focus Issues described below.

2013: “The Scholarship of Community Engagement” comprises experiential learning linked to the community, service learning, volunteerism related to language learning, languages for special purposes, and related topics. Associate Editors Ethel Jorge (Pitzer College) and Josef Hellebrandt (Santa Clara University) will curate this issue with the Editor.

2015: “The Scholarship of Film and Film Studies” (submission deadline, January 1, 2014) encompasses the teaching of film in the classroom, film as text for language learners of all levels, theory and film, literary works in film, linguistic aspects of film, and related concepts.

Many Hispania Articles Now Freely Available

As one of 200 journals participating in JSTOR’s Early Journal Content Initiative, Hispania has made all of its contents published before 1923 available to the public. Please view a brief video tutorial ( for more information on freely accessing these materials.

Hispania Guidelines

All articles/reviews submitted to Hispania in Spanish must conform to the latest standards...

