In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Notes on the Contributors

Charles Barber is a Professor of Art History at the University of Notre Dame. He studies visual theory in Byzantium. He is the author of Figure and Likeness: On the Limits of Representation in Byzantine Iconoclasm (2002) and Contesting the Logic of Painting: Art and Understanding in Eleventh-Century Byzantium (2007). He is at work on a number of translation projects and also books on aspects of the visual cultures of the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries in the eastern Mediterranean.

Peter Fenves is the Joan and Serepta Harrison Professor of German, Comparative Literary Studies, and Jewish Studies at Northwestern University. He is the author of A Peculiar Fate: Metaphysics and World-History in Kant (1991), Chatter: Language and History in Kierkegaard (1993), Arresting Language—From Leibniz to Benjamin (2001), Late Kant: Towards Another Law of the Earth (2003), and The Messianic Reduction: Walter Benjamin and the Shape of Time (2011). He is also the editor of Raising the Tone of Philosophy: Late Essays by Kant, Transformative Critique by Derrida (1993) and the translator of Werner Hamacher’s Premises: Essays on Philosophy and Literature from Kant to Celan (1996). [End Page 225]

Eugenia Kelbert is a Ph.D candidate in Comparative Literature at Yale University. Her dissertation focuses on the phenomenon of second language writing (translingualism) in the 20th century. Using a variety of methodological approaches to this newly identified field, she seeks to identify cross-lingual patterns of style, cognition, and content stemming from the writer’s use of a non-native language to create a language of their own. Born in Russia and educated in Oxford and the classes préparatoires in Paris, she is the organizer and co-organizer of several panels and an online scholarly community on translingual writing. Her interests include translation theory, modernism, literary representations of myth and the Bible, narratives of execution, cabaret in the 1920s, paradox and the uses of quantitative approaches in the Humanities.

Eyal Peretz is Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at Indiana University Bloomington. He is the author of Literature, Disaster, and the Enigma of Power: A Reading of Moby-Dick (Stanford, 2003) and Becoming Visionary: Brian De Palma’s Cinematic Education of the Senses (Stanford, 2008).

James I. Porter is Professor of Classics and Comparative Literature at the University of California Irvine. He is the author of Nietzsche and the Philology of the Future (Stanford 2000), The Invention of Dionysus: An Essay on ‘The Birth of Tragedy’ (Stanford 2000), and The Origins of Aesthetic Thought in Ancient Greece: Matter, Sensation, and Experience (Cambridge 2010), and has edited collections on the body, classicism, and Lacan and classical studies. His current projects include two books: The Sublime in Antiquity: The Evolution of a Concept, and Homer: The Very Idea.

Alessia Ricciardi is Associate Professor in the Department of French and Italian and the Comparative Literature Program at Northwestern University. Her first book, The Ends of Mourning, won the Modern Language Association’s 2004 Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literature. Her second book, After ‘La Dolce Vita’: A Cultural Prehistory [End Page 226] of Berlusconi’s Italy is forthcoming from Stanford University Press in 2012.

Haun Saussy is University Professor in the department of Comparative Literature at the University of Chicago. He has taught previously at Yale, Stanford and UCLA, and was the president of the American Comparative Literature Association in 2009–2011. His steady interests include Chinese lyric poetry and its interpretation, the difficulty of finding a comparative framework for aesthetics, and historical transitions among media.

Gregory Schufreider is a Professor of Philosophy and was the founding Director of the Program for the Study of the Audio-Visual Arts at Louisiana State University. He is currently completing a book entitled Mondrian’s Opening.

Davide Stimilli is Associate Professor of German, Comparative Literature, and Jewish Studies at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He is the author of Fisionomia di Kafka (Bollati Boringhieri, 2001) and The Face of Immortality: Physiognomy and Criticism (SUNY Press, 2005), the editor of Aby Warburg’s clinical history: Die unendliche Heilung. Aby Warburgs Krankengeschichte (diaphanes, 2007), as well as of a selection of his unpublished writings: “Per Monstra ad Sphaeram”: Sternglaube und Bilddeutung. Vortrag in...

