In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

Brad Kent
Assistant Professor of British and Irish Literatures, Université Laval 'Literary Criticism and the Recovery of Banned Books: The Case of Kate O'Brien's Mary Lavelle,' ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature 40:4 (2009); 'The Banning of Bernard Shaw's The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God and the Decline of the Irish Academy of Letters,' Irish University Review 39:2 (2008)

François Ouellet
Professeur titulaire de littérature à l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada sur le roman moderne Éditeur de Décliner l'intériorité. Le roman psychologique des années 1940-1950 au Québec (2011) Éditeur de En marge. Relire vingt-cinq romanciers méconnus du XXe siècle (2010) Coauteur, avec François Paré, Louis Hamelin et ses doubles (2008)

Christopher D. Morris
Charles A. Dana Professor of English, Emeritus, Norwich University The Figure of the Road: Deconstructive Studies in Humanities Disciplines (2007). Essays on Mark Twain have either appeared or are forthcoming in Journal of Narrative Technique, Papers on Language and Literature, and Nineteenth-Century Fiction

Jonathan Butler
Independent scholar living in Taiwan. 'Armageddon, Armageddon . . . Have Another Cocktail, Darling!: Don DeLillo's Point Omega and the End of the World as We Know It.' Fiction and Drama 20.2 (2011), 65-9; 'Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Oceanic Dreams in the Art and Poetry of Newfoundland and Labrador.' Lucayos 2 (2011; online). He is also the author of a work of fiction, Return of the Native (Breakwater 2007). [End Page 1]

Béatrice Vernier-Larochette
Associate Professor, Department of Langauges, Lakehead University "Bouche cousue et La Reine du silence: une réconciliation intime et publique," Women in French Studies 17 (2009)

Lydia Efthymia Roupakia
Lecturer at the International Hellenic University and a full time member of staff at Anatolia American College, Thessaloniki Greece

Laurence M. Porter
Professor Emeritus, Department of French, Classics and Italian, and the Program in Comparative Literature, Michigan State University Women's Vision in Western Literature: The Empathic Imagination (2005), Co-editor, special issue of Women in French Studies (2010), "The Equivocal Negritude of Léon-Gontran Damas's Lyric Masterpiece, Black-Label" (forthcoming)

Paul Stevens
Professor and Canada Research Chair, Department of English, University of Toronto Early Modern Nationalism and Milton's England, co-edited with David Lowenstein "Literary Studies and the Turn to Religion: Milton reading Badiou" Religion and Literature (forthcoming) which won the Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies' 2011 Montaigne Prize [End Page 2]


