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French Forum 28.1 (2003) 145

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Books Received

Louis-Ferdinand Céline. Fable for Another Time. Trans. Mary Hudson. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P (Bison Books). xi + 239 pp.

Pierre H. Dubé. Nouvelle bibliographie refondue et augmentée de la critique sur François-René de Chateaubriand (1801-1999). Paris: Champion, 2002. 885 pp.

Michael R. Finn, ed. Rachilde—Maurice Barrès Correspondance inedite 1885-1914. Brest: Faculté des Lettres, 2002. 197 pp.

Alfred Glauser. Ecriture et désécriture du texte poétique: De Maurice Scève à Saint-John Perse. Paris: Nizet, 2002. 161 pp.

Carla Hess. The Other Enlightenment: How French Women Became Modern. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton UP, 2001. xx + 233 pp.

Alexandre Leupin. Fiction and Incarnation. Trans. David Laatsch. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2003. xxiv + 259 pp.

Maurice Maeterlinck. Hothouses: Poems, 1889. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton UP, 2003. xv + 108 pp.

Warren Montag. Louis Althusser. New York: Palgrave, 2003. x + 172 pp.

Jean-Claude Mühlethaler et Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet, eds. Poétiques en transition: entre Moyen Age et Renaissance. Lausanne: Etudes de Lettres, 2002. 164 pp.

J.-B. Pontalis. Windows. Trans. Anne Quinney. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2003. xxviii + 114 pp.

Maxime Prévost et Yan Hamel. Victor Hugo, 2003-1802 : images et transfigurations: actes du colloque <Imago Hugolis>. Québec: Fides, 2002. 190pp.

Roland Racevskis. Time and Ways of Knowing under Louis XIV: Molière, Sévigné, Lafayette. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 2003. 216 pp.

Dominic Rainsford. Literature, Identity and the English Channel: Narrow Seas Expanded. New York: Palgrave, 2002. 191 pp.

Jacques Rancière. Short Voyages to the Land of the People. Trans. James B. Swenson. Stanford: Stanford UP, 2003. 141 pp.

Anne Richardot. Le rire des Lumières. Paris: Champion, 2002. 310 pp.

Jan F. Rigaud, ed. and trans. Albert Camus et Jean Grenier Correspondence, 1932-1960. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2003. xxiii + 277 pp.

Malcolm Scott. Chercheurs d'absolu: Mauriac et de Gaulle. Paris: L'Esprit du temps, 2002. 342 pp.

Bonnie Wheeler and John C. Parsons, eds. Eleanor of Aquitaine: Lord and Lady. New York: Palgrave, 2003. xxix + 506 pp.



