In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to International Security: Volume 36 (Summer 2011-Spring 2012)
Avey, Paul C., "Confronting Soviet Power: U.S. Policy during the Early Cold War," 36.4 (Spring 2012), pp. 151-188.
Beckley, Michael, "China's Century? Why America's Edge Will Endure," 36.3 (Winter 2011/12), pp. 41-78.
Ben Ouagrahm-Gormley, Sonia, "Barriers to Bioweapons: Intangible Obstacles to Proliferation," 36.4 (Spring 2012), pp. 80-114.
Bennett, Bruce W., and Jennifer Lind, "The Collapse of North Korea: Missions and Requirements," 36.2 (Fall 2011), pp. 84-119.
Betts, Richard K., "Correspondence: Civilians, Soldiers, and the Iraq Surge Decision" [re. Feaver 35.4], 36.3 (Winter 2011/12), p. 179.
Blagden, David W., "Correspondence: Sea Powers, Continental Powers, and Balancing Theory" [re. Levy and Thompson 35.1], 36.2 (Fall 2011), pp. 190-197.
Brands, Hal, and David Palkki, "Saddam, Israel, and the Bomb: Nuclear Alarmism Justified?" 36.1 (Summer 2011), pp. 134-166.
Braut-Hegghammer, Måxlfrid, "Revisiting Osirak: Preventive Attacks and Nuclear Proliferation Risks," 36.1 (Summer 2011), pp. 101-133.
Brooks, Risa, "Muslim 'Homegrown' Terrorism in the United States: How Serious Is the Threat?" 36.2 (Fall 2011), pp. 7-47.
Desch, Michael C., "Correspondence: Civilians, Soldiers, and the Iraq Surge Decision" [re. Feaver 35.4], 36.3 (Winter 2011/12), pp. 180-191.
Duelfer, Charles A., and Stephen Benedict Dyson, "Chronic Misperception and International Conflict: The U.S.-Iraq Experience," 36.1 (Summer 2011), pp. 73-100.
Dyson, Stephen Benedict, see Duelfer, Charles A., and Stephen Benedict Dyson.
Ekbladh, David, "Present at the Creation: Edward Mead Earle and the Depression-Era Origins of Security Studies," 36.3 (Winter 2011/12), pp. 107-141.
Feaver, Peter D., "Correspondence: Civilians, Soldiers, and the Iraq Surge Decision" [reply to Betts and Desch], 36.3 (Winter 2011/12), pp. 191-199.
Gartzke, Erik, and Yonatan Lupu, "Trading on Preconceptions: Why World War I Was Not a Failure of Economic Interdependence," 36.4 (Spring 2012), pp. 115-150.
Haynes, Kyle, "Correspondence: Decline and Retrenchment: Peril or Promise?" [re. MacDonald and Parent 35.4], 36.4 (Spring 2012), pp. 189-193.
Hymans, Jacques E.C., "Veto Players, Nuclear Energy, and Nonproliferation: Domestic and Institutional Barriers to a Japanese Bomb," 36.2 (Fall 2011), pp. 154-189.
Itzkowitz Shifrinson, Joshua R., and Miranda Priebe, "A Crude Threat: The Limits of an Iranian Missile Campaign against Saudi Arabian Oil," 36.1 (Summer 2011), pp. 167-201. [End Page 204]
Johnson, Dominic D.P., and Dominic Tierney, "The Rubicon Theory of War: How the Path to Conflict Reaches the Point of No Return," 36:1 (Summer 2011), pp. 7-40.
Johnston, Patrick B., "Does Decapitation Work? Assessing the Effectiveness of Leadership Targeting in Counterinsurgency Campaigns," 36.4 (Spring 2012), pp. 47-79.
Kang, David C., "They Think They're Normal: Enduring Questions and New Research on North Korea—A Review Essay," 36.3 (Winter 2011/12), pp. 142-171.
Kennedy, Andrew B., "India's Nuclear Odyssey: Implicit Umbrellas, Diplomatic Disappointments, and the Bomb," 36.2 (Fall 2011), pp. 120-153.
Lake, David A., "Correspondence: Bargaining Theory and Rationalist Explanations for the Iraq War" [reply to McKoy], 36.3 (Winter 2011/12), pp. 177-178.
Levy, Jack S., and William R. Thompson, "Correspondence: Sea Powers, Continental Powers, and Balancing Theory" [re. Blagden], 36.2 (Fall 2011), pp. 197-202.
Lind, Jennifer, see Bennett, Bruce W., and Jennifer Lind.
Lopez, Anthony C., Rose McDermott, and Michael Bang Petersen, "States in Mind: Evolution, Coalitional Psychology, and International Politics," 36.2 (Fall 2011), pp. 48-83.
Lupu, Yonatan, see Gartzke, Erik, and Yonatan Lupu.
MacDonald, Paul K., and Joseph M. Parent, "Correspondence: Decline and Retrench-ment: Peril or Promise?" [reply to Haynes and Thompson], 36.4 (Spring 2012), pp. 197-203.
McDermott, Rose, see Lopez, Anthony C., Rose McDermott, and Michael Bang Petersen.
McKoy, Michael K., "Correspondence: Bargaining Theory and Rationalist Explanations for the Iraq War" [re. Lake 35.3], 36.3 (Winter 2011/12), pp. 172-177.
Monteiro, Nuno P., "Unrest Assured: Why Unipolarity Is Not Peaceful," 36.3 (Winter 2011/12), pp. 9-40.
Nathan, Laurie, "Correspondence: Civil War Settlements and the Prospects for Peace" [re. Toft, 34.4], 36.1 (Summer 2011), pp. 202-207...

