In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • The Virgin in the Yard
  • Natasha Marin (bio)

The Virgin in the Yard

I am young enough not to have sunned to that sour scent of sweat mixed with desperation—

It waits all around me.

This is what I see:

Rich men wear cream- colored suits.

This is what I know:

If I let mister stiffen into a smile for me

[Madmen are easy with these smiles— they know how to escape reality]

If I let mister do more than that he might turn to red in my hand

I know:

If I let mister do more than that he might turn to white in my hand

If I let mister do more than that he might turn me into gold. [End Page 269]

Natasha Marin

Natasha Marin is a poet and conceptual artist, whose recent work involves creating dynamic sites of genuine exchange and encounter. Her written work has been published and translated into other languages and media including video, audio, and site-specific installations. She has lectured and presented on her poetry at conferences and universities throughout the United States. Her chapbook, Fando & Lis (Dancing Girl), will be available in the spring of 2012.


