In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received
Bush, Jr., Harold K. Lincoln in His Own Time: A Biographical Chronicle of His Life, Drawn from Recollections, Interviews, and Memoirs by Family, Friends and Associates. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 2011. xxxv, 248pp. $25.00.
Chaney, Michael A., ed. Graphic Subjects: Critical Essays on Autobiography and Graphic Novels. Madison, WI: U of Wisconsin P, 2011. 339pp. $26.95 (paper).
Edwards, Natalie. Shifting Subjects: Plural Subjectivity in Contemporary Francophone Women's Autobiography. Newark: U of Delaware P, 2011. 171pp. $60.00.
Habich, Robert D. Building Their Own Waldos: Emerson's First Biographers and the Politics of Life-Writing in the Gilded Age. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 2011. 216pp. $29.95 (paper).
Jærn, Albert. And Then Came the Liberators. Madison: Borderland Books, 2011. 240pp, $30.00.
Junod, Karen. "Writing the Lives of Painters": Biography and Artistic Identity In Britain 1760-1810. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2011. x, 258pp. $110.00.
Kaminski, Theresa. Citizen of Empire: Ethel Thomas Herold, an American in the Philippines. Knoxville: U of Tennessee P, 2011. xiv, 257. $49.00.
Miller, Nancy K. What They Saved: Pieces of a Jewish Past. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2011. 238pp. $24.95.
Porter, Roger J. Bureau of Missing Persons: Writing the Secret Lives of Fathers. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2011. x, 202pp. $35.00 (paper).
Raphael, Lev. My Germany: A Jewish Writer Returns to the World his Parents Escaped. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 2011. $19.95 (paper).
Robbins, Sarah R., Sabine Smith, and Frederica Santini, eds. Bridging Cultures: International Women Faculty Transforming the U.S. Academy. New York: UP of America, 2011. xix, 187pp. $32.95 (paper).
Rogers, Susan Fox. My Reach: A Hudson River Memoir. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2011. viii, 223pp. $21.00.
Rothe, Anne. Popular Trauma Culture: Selling the Pain of Others in the Mass Media. Piscataway: Rutgers UP, 2011. viii, 206pp. $25.95 (paper).
Sakara, Edgard. Postcolonial Francophone Autobiographies: From Africa to the Antilles. Charlottesville: U of Virginia P, 2011. xx, 218pp. $24.50 (paper). [End Page 307]
Saunders, Max. Self Impression: Life-Writing, Autobiografiction, and the Forms of Modern Literature. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2010. xxv, 563pp. $95.00.
Simal, Begoña. Selves in Dialogue: A Transethnic Approach to American Life Writing. Amsterdam: Rolopi B.V., 2011. 256pp. $75.00.
Steinitz, Rebecca. Time, Space and Gender in the Nineteenth-Century British Diary. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. x, 272pp. $85.00. [End Page 308]

