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BRIEFER NOTICES Prepared by Barbara L. Curtis The Spring meeting of the Friends Historical Association was held at Easton. Maryland, on Sunday. May 20. 1984. The gathering, also sponsored by the Friends Social Union, took place at the Third Haven Friends Meeting grounds as part of a celebration ofthe 300th anniversary of the erection ofthe meetinghouse. Following meeting for worship and a picnic lunch, attenders gathered to hear an address by Damon Hickey. Director ofthe Friends Historical Collections at Guilford College. Greensboro. N.C. 27410. on "Pioneers of the New South: the Baltimore Association and North Carolina Friends in Reconstruction." * * * On June 15-17, 1984. at Providence. R.I.. the Fifth Biennial Conference of Quaker Historians and Archivists was held at the Moses Brown School. At the invitation of the school the conference met there as the culminating event of a series of celebrations marking 200 years of Quaker education in New England. Over seventy persons attended and papers were given on a variety ofQuaker topics and on the archival activities ofNew England Yearly Meeting's Committee on Records. The closing event was a moving presentation by the Quaker author Daisy Newman on "Paper People: Publishing Truth in Quaker Fiction." * * * Haverford College has announced the award ofthe T. Wistar Brown Fellowship in Quaker Studies for 1984-1985 to Margaret Hope Bacon. She will use the fellowship to complete work on a book, which has been commissioned by Harper & Row on Quaker women in America. 70 ...

