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86Victorian Review JOHN PETERS is an assistant professor of English at University of WisconsinSuperior . He has published articles on Tennyson, Conrad, EUzabeth Barrett Browning, Charlotte Bronte, Maria Edgeworth, and others. He has recently completed a book-length study entitled Objects of Consciousness: Joseph Conrad and the Epistemology ofImpressionism. JANICE SCHROEDER is a SSHRC doctoral fellow in the Department of EngUsh at the University of Alberta. Her dissertation wUl focus on Victorian feminist writing, the periodical press, and the category of the pubUc inteUectual. PAUL VTTA received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1998 and currently teaches Uterature at Momingside CoUege in Sioux City, Iowa. His research projects include studies of Victorian epigraphy and the inter-relations among Uterature and the fine arts. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tennessee Studies in Uterature is soliciting previously unpublished essays for a forthcoming volume — Reality's Dark Ught: The Transgressée Wilkie Collins — reflecting new methodological and theoretical approaches to CoUins's fiction. No restrictions on length. Proposals (750-1000 words) must be submitted by February 1, 2000. Inquiries and proposals should be addressed to the editors, Maria K. Bachman and Don Richard Cox, Department of EngUsh, University of Tennessee, KnoxviUe, TN, 37996-0430 (; BOOKS RECEIVED Inclusion in this list does not preclude the possibUity of a future review. BaUey, Peter. Popular Culture and Performance In the Victorian City. New York: Cambridge UP, 1998. viii + 258. $59.95 US (cloth). Baumgarten, Murray and H.M. Daleski (eds.). Homes and Homelessness In the Victorian Imagination. New York: AMS P. Inc., 1999. vii + 355. $62.50 US (cloth). Gilmartin, Sophie. Ancestry and Narrative in Nineteenth-Century British Uterature: Blood Relationsfrom Edgeworth to Hardy. New York: Cambridge UP. 1999. ? + 281. $59.95 US (cloth). Kranidis, Rita S. The Victorian Spinster and Colonial Emigration: Contested Subjects. New York: St Martin's P. 1999. Ix + 228. $45.00 US (cloth). Books Received87 Maynard, John and Adrienne Auslander Munich (eds.). Victorian Uterature and Culture. VoL 24. New York: AMS P, Inc., 1998. iv + 458. $69.50 US (cloth). NeUl, Edward. Trial by Ordeal, Thomas Hardy and the Critics. Rochester BoydeU & Brewer Inc., 1999. vii + 146. $55.00 US (cloth). Sinnema, Peter. Dynamics of the Pictured Page: Representing the Nation in the Illustrated London News. Brookfield: Ashgate P Co., 1998. ix + 219. $76.95 US (cloth). ...

