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CONTRIBUTORS ANNE CLENDINNING is completing a Ph.D. in History at McMaster University. An article based on her doctoral research on women and the EngUsh gas industry appeared recently in the Canadian Journal of History, with another essay forthcoming in the Women's History Review. MARnN HEWTTT is Principal Lecturer in History at Trinity and AU Saints, University of Leeds. He is the Director of the Leeds Centre for Victorian Studies, and editor of the Journal of Victorian Culture. He is currently working on an edition of the diaries of Samuel Bamford, and a study of the pubUc sphere in Manchester, 1714-1960. LESLIE HOWSAM is an Associate Professor of History in the Department of History, Philosophy and PoUtical Science at the University of Windsor. She has published widely in the history of the book in Victorian Britain, most recently Kegan Paul - A Victorian Imprint: Publishers, Books and Cultural History (University of Toronto Press 1998), and she serves as Associate Editor of Victorian Review. WILLIAM J. HYDE, is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, where he specialized in Victorian Uterature and social history. Publications include numerous articles on Hardy, articles on Scott, George EUot Gaskell, Baring Gould, Jefferies, and H.G. WeHs. ROHAN MATTZEN is Assistant Professor of EngUsh and Women's Studies at Dalhousie University. Her book Gender, Genre, and Victorian Historical Writing was published by Garland in 1998; she is currently working on an article on Lady Carbury in TroUope's The Way We Uve Now and a book-length project on nineteenth-century ethical criticism. AA. MARKLEY received his Ph.D. in English Uterature from the University of North Carolina at Chapel HuT, and is currently Assistant Professor of English at Perm State University, Delaware Country. Markley has published several essays on Tennyson and the Uterature of Greece and Rome, as weU as essays on the poetry of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, WUUam Morris, and EUza Ogilvy, and on the fiction of Mary SheUey. He is currently editing a volume of poems and translations in Pickering's CoUected Works of Mary SheUey, and is co-editing with Gary Handwerk two editions of the novels of WUUam Godwin for Broadview Press. 86Victorian Review JOHN PETERS is an assistant professor of English at University of WisconsinSuperior . He has published articles on Tennyson, Conrad, EUzabeth Barrett Browning, Charlotte Bronte, Maria Edgeworth, and others. He has recently completed a book-length study entitled Objects of Consciousness: Joseph Conrad and the Epistemology ofImpressionism. JANICE SCHROEDER is a SSHRC doctoral fellow in the Department of EngUsh at the University of Alberta. Her dissertation wUl focus on Victorian feminist writing, the periodical press, and the category of the pubUc inteUectual. PAUL VTTA received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1998 and currently teaches Uterature at Momingside CoUege in Sioux City, Iowa. His research projects include studies of Victorian epigraphy and the inter-relations among Uterature and the fine arts. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tennessee Studies in Uterature is soliciting previously unpublished essays for a forthcoming volume — Reality's Dark Ught: The Transgressée Wilkie Collins — reflecting new methodological and theoretical approaches to CoUins's fiction. No restrictions on length. Proposals (750-1000 words) must be submitted by February 1, 2000. Inquiries and proposals should be addressed to the editors, Maria K. Bachman and Don Richard Cox, Department of EngUsh, University of Tennessee, KnoxviUe, TN, 37996-0430 (; BOOKS RECEIVED Inclusion in this list does not preclude the possibUity of a future review. BaUey, Peter. Popular Culture and Performance In the Victorian City. New York: Cambridge UP, 1998. viii + 258. $59.95 US (cloth). Baumgarten, Murray and H.M. Daleski (eds.). Homes and Homelessness In the Victorian Imagination. New York: AMS P. Inc., 1999. vii + 355. $62.50 US (cloth). Gilmartin, Sophie. Ancestry and Narrative in Nineteenth-Century British Uterature: Blood Relationsfrom Edgeworth to Hardy. New York: Cambridge UP. 1999. ? + 281. $59.95 US (cloth). Kranidis, Rita S. The Victorian Spinster and Colonial Emigration: Contested Subjects. New York: St Martin's P. 1999. Ix + 228. $45.00 US (cloth). ...

