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  • Notes on Contributors

Jackson Ayres ( is a PhD candidate in English literature at the University of Arkansas, where he is currently writing his dissertation on British political fiction after 1945. His essay on the affinities between Noel Coward and Harold Pinter appeared in The Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism (Fall 2009), and his essay on postmodernism in Orson Welles’s F for Fake is forthcoming from Literature/Film Quarterly. He has published a book review in The Common Review (August 2010), and has another book review forthcoming in Twentieth-Century Literature.

Adrienne Brown ( is an assistant professor at the University of Chicago. She received her PhD from Princeton University in 2011. Her dissertation, “Reading Between the Skylines: The Skyscraper in American Modernism,” explores the ways the modern skyscraper challenged old structures of social, racial and aesthetic perception, offering a new model for imagining both the masses and mass literary forms. Her research interests include the intersections between architecture and literature, race and space, and sound studies. Her article “Constrained Frequencies: The Wire and the Limits of Listening” appeared in Criticism 52.3–4 (Summer–Fall 2010).

Nathaniel Davis ( is a doctoral candidate in the program in comparative literature at the University of Pennsylvania. His research interests include European Modernism, film, and translation. His current project examines aesthetic ideologies of German and French post-war literature.

J.B. Maney ( is a doctoral student in comparative literature at the University of Pennsylvania. He holds an A.B. in philosophy from Harvard College and a master’s degree in French literature from Université Paris 7 – Denis Diderot.

Jerome Boyd Maunsell ( is a writer and critic based in London. He received his BA from Oxford University, his MA from University College London, and his PhD from King’s College London. His interests include literary biography; life-writing—especially autobiographies, diaries, letters, memoirs, and notebooks by novelists and poets; twentieth and twenty-first century fiction; literary reportage; and the lines between fiction and non-fiction.

Peter Monacell ( is an assistant teaching professor at the University of Missouri, where he received his PhD in 2011. He has [End Page 209] published an article in the James Dickey Review and the Salt Companion to Charles Bernstein (Salt Publishing, 2011).

Michelle Niemann ( is a PhD candidate in the English department at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Her main research interests are poetics and nineteenth- and twentieth-century American literature, and her current project investigates revisions of organic form by poets such as Lorine Niedecker, Robert Duncan, Charles Olson, and Muriel Rukeyser.

Will Norman ( is a lecturer in American literature at the University of Kent, UK, where he has taught since receiving his DPhil from Oxford University in 2008. His research interests include the twentieth-century novel, transatlantic studies, crime fiction and theories of mass culture. He is co-editor, with Duncan White, of Transitional Nabokov (Peter Lang, 2009). He is also researching a new project on transatlantic responses to American mass culture in the mid-twentieth century, addressing fiction, visual arts, cinema and cultural criticism.

Andrew Radford ( earned his PhD at the University of York, UK, where he has taught twentieth-century British and American Literature. He has published essays and reviews in The Year’s Work in English Studies, Cambridge Quarterly and European Legacy. He is currently researching the life and writings of the neglected interwar novelist and journalist Olive Moore.

Christina Root ( is professor of English and coordinator of the Humanities Program at Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, VT, where she teaches courses in nineteenth and twentieth century literature. She has published essays on Thoreau and Robert Frost as well as on the British Romantic poets. She is currently working on a manuscript that addresses the literature/science divide from the perspective of Goethe’s phenomenological approach to nature and its influence on the Romantics and later writers.

Paul Stephens ( is a writer and editor living in New York. He received his PhD in English...

