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Ot.bíi findings in this study concern the Pacific arctic front located in the Gulf of Alaska. Hero, again, the axis of maximum cyclone froquoncy does not coincido with tho front dolinoatsd by tho Norwegians , although the discrepancies are much less marked than in tho caso of the Pacific polar front. The front, as located through the use of tho cyclone frequency map.«, was compared with Worenskiold'.s linos of air convergent^ and strong agreement was found to exist betweon the two. The principal air masses involved havo boon derived front tho synoptic charts of the California Institute of Technology, from Byers' papor, and Werenskiold's nir transport maps with tho decision that along tho Pacific arctic front North American polar continental air convorgos with transitional polar Pacific maritime air. Iron Ore Resources of China WILMA BELDEN, LEWISTON, MONTANA (Student Seripps College, Claremont, California) Iron oro is widoly distributed throughout China, but tho rosourcos are much less abundant than is generally supposed. Commercial production is limited to three major fields: Southorn Manchukuo, the Peiping District, -and the Lower Yangtze Valley, of which the first mentioned is by far the most important at tho present time. The total iron ore reserves of China are estimated to be only 1,000,000,000 tons,, of which 750,000,000 tons, or 75%, are in iJouthern M.anchukuo (Liaoning). The grei.tcr part of these Manehuknoan reserves are Archoan, and occur in a narrow field oxtending across the Liaotung - Peninsula botwoen the YaIu and Hun rivers. The metallic content of this ore «oarages approximately 30%," though ir. some places, notably Miao-er-Kou, rich vains öf 00% ore are being worked by open pit methods. Tho mines are being developed oxtonsivoly by the Japanese to provide pig-iron for export to Japan. The greater part of the ore reaorvos of China proper are found in tho north, those 'of Hnnn-Lung area of northwest Hopci and the, Yangtze Valloy being the· most important. The rosorves of tho HuonLung area are estimated at 00,000,000 tons and their metallic content runs as high as 55%. The magnctitu-hematite ore* of the Yangtze Valley belt, containing from 40% to 00% iron, aro of greatest oconomic value, excluding those of Manchukuo . The richest deposits occnr on the western margin of the rogion, in Hupeh, where the Toyeh ores aro found as a scnm 200 feet wide. Numerous deposits nro found in widely scattered areas throughout southern and western China, and in outer Mongolin, Kansu, Sinklang, and Szechunn, but, in most casus tho iron content is low, the rosorves are small, and conditions are unfavorable for mining operations. Tho iron mines are usually small, seldom employing more than 100 men, frequently as few as 20, and even in the Japanese-controlled mines, where modorn methods havo tended to increase the average labor efficiency, the production per man per yoar is relatively small. im ...

