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ed articles than those of any of the other towns south of Ensenada . A great many of the people appear, however, to live almost as simply as if they were in a remote village. The inhabitants of Baja Cailifornia are a virile stock with the tradition, or perhaps the personal experience of living in a more congenial environment. They show a high degree of aptitude in ,making the best of the conditions un* der which they find themselves. Economic independence such aa they exhibit is commonly regarded as synonymous with a low scale of living. When such independence , however, is built uport resourcefulness , ingenuity and industry it can do much to create a scale of living which is comfoiv table even if devoid of many of the paraphernalia which delude us into the belief that our own scale is higher than that of other races. Coal Resources of China BARBARA WOODRUFF (Student Seripps College, Claremont, California) The actual extent and distribution of coal reserves in China is a: matter öf considerable controversy but that vast resources exist is a certainty, and the resources ¡of China as a whole have been estimated to bo approximately 248,287,000 ,000. The coal is widoly distributed throughout the country, and reserves are known to exist in the outlying provinces of Sinkiang , 'fsing-Hai, and Kansu, In China proper, there is a striking concentration in tho Shansi-Shonsi aroa of the north, but though the reserves are large, rugged topography and inadequate transportation facilities restrict mining operations and make the reserves of little valuo at present. ThO Kailan area, on the other hand, with much smallor reserves, is of great significance owing to its more favorable location for exploitation ana marketing. Moreover, tho Kailan conl, being of superior quality, makes good coke, nnd is in demand for industrial purposos . Throughout the southern provinces of China proper, there is abundant coal outcropping along the flanks of tho mountains , supplying local needs. Estimates of coal resorvos in Maiiehukuo vary botwoen 2,711,000,000 metric tons and 4,804,000,000 metric tons. Many of the deposits occur in very rugged country and are therefore, in many instance» relatively inaccessible. Tho most important producing area is the Japanese-operated Fushun-Penhsihu-Yentai field, "which provides 80% of the total Manchukuo,production , and tho bulk of the export coal. The fiold is served by a branch of tho South Manchuria Railway which provides direct communication with the major in· dustrial centers, and with the ports of Dairen and Antung. Of tho 48 modern mines, those with Chinese capital produce about 33% of tho total, while those with Japanese and British capital produce 30% and 11% respectively . Tho modorn mines are worked for tho most part by npon-pit methods ami the per capita production per year is estimated at approximately 126 tons. Tho effective development and utilization of China's vast coal resources are dependent upon; (1) the dovelopniont of adequate transportation facilities, (2) the establishment of internal political stability , (3) stable curroncy, (4) increased industrial development, and (5) adequate supplies of skilled labor and capital. (13) ...

