In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Volume 45


Architecture and the Ethics of Authenticity, Tom Spector, 4:23.

Art-House Cinema, Avant-Garde Film, and Dramatic Modernism, Bert Cardullo, 2:1.

The Beauty of the Psyche and Eros Myth: Integrating Aesthetics into Introduction to Psychology, Rhett Diessner and Kayla Burke, 4:97.

Belluigi, Dina Zoe, Intentionality in a Creative Art Curriculum, 1:18.

Belshaw, Michael, Fictions of the Studio, 3:38.

Benton, Michael, Towards a Poetics of Literary Biography, 3:67.

Biophilic Design Aesthetics in Art and Design Education, Yannick Joye, 2:17.

Bradley, Deborah, In the Space Between the Rock and the Hard Place: State Teacher Certification Guidelines and Music Education for Social Justice, 4:79.

Bringing Literature to Life for Urban Adolescents: Artistic, Dramatic Instruction and Live Theatre, Janine Certo and Wayne Brinda, 3:22.

Cardullo, Bert, Art-House Cinema, Avant-Garde Film, and Dramatic Modernism, 2:1.

Certo, Janine, and Wayne Brinda, Bringing Literature to Life for Urban Adolescents: Artistic, Dramatic Instruction and Live Theatre, 3:22.

Communicating the Garífuna Culture in Contemporary Church Music, Francisca Norales, 1:74.

Continuity or Break: Danto and Gadamer on the Crisis of Anti-Aestheticism, James Foster, 2:36.

Creative Grammar and Art Education, Leslie Cunliffe, 3:1.

Critical Aesthetic Realism, Jennifer A. McMahon, 2:49.

Cunliffe, Leslie, Creative Grammar and Art Education, 3:1.

Dadlez, E. M., Truly Funny: Humor, Irony, and Satire as Moral Criticism, 1:1.

Darwin and Wagner: Evolution and Aesthetic Appreciation, Edvin Østergaard, 2:83.

Diessner, Rhett, and Kayla Burke, The Beauty of the Psyche and Eros Myth: Integrating Aesthetics into Introduction to Psychology, 4:97.

Feng, Zhu, Revolution of View: Visual Presentation under the Influence of Multidimensional Concepts, 2:109.

Fictions of the Studio, Michael Belshaw, 3:38.

Foster, James, Continuity or Break: Danto and Gadamer on the Crisis of Anti-Aestheticism, 2:36.

Fróis, João Pedro, Introductory Note to “Contemporary Psychology and Art: Toward a Debate” by Lev S. Vygotsky, 1:107.

Gracyk, Theodore, Misappropriation of Our Musical Past, 3:50.

Gradle, Sally Armstrong, Performing to Be Whole: Inquiries in Transformation, 4:54.

Grounding Moralism: Moral Flaws and Aesthetic Properties, Aaron Smuts, 4:34.

Hubard, Olga, Rethinking Critical Thinking and Its Role in Art Museum Education, 3:15.

Improvisational Teaching as Mode of Knowing, Naphtaly Shem-Tov, 3:103. [End Page 122]

In the Space Between the Rock and the Hard Place: State Teacher Certification Guidelines and Music Education for Social Justice, Deborah Bradley, 4:79.

Intentionality in a Creative Art Curriculum, Dina Zoe Belluigi, 1:18.

Introductory Note to “Contemporary Psychology and Art: Toward a Debate” by Lev S. Vygotsky, João Pedro Fróis, 1:107.

Joye, Yannick, Biophilic Design Aesthetics in Art and Design Education, 2:17.

Living the Work: Meditations on a Lark, Jonathan A. Neufeld, 1:89.

McMahon, Jennifer A., Critical Aesthetic Realism, 2:49.

Misappropriation of Our Musical Past, Theodore Gracyk, 3:50.

Neufeld, Jonathan A., Living the Work: Meditations on a Lark, 1:89.

Norales, Francisca, Communicating the Garífuna Culture in Contemporary Church Music, 1:74.

Ontology and the Products of Spirit: A Classroom Conversation, Frederic Will, 4:67.

Orkibi, Hod, Using Intermodel Psychodrama to Personalize Drama Students’ Experience: Two Case Illustrations, 2:70.

Østergaard, Edvin, Darwin and Wagner: Evolution and Aesthetic Appreciation, 2:83.

Performing to Be Whole: Inquiries in Transformation, Sally Armstrong Gradle, 4:54.

Perricone, Christopher, What Women Want: (Among Other Things) Quality Art, 3:88.

Prendergast, Monica, Utopian Performatives and the Social Imaginary: Toward a New Philosophy of Drama/Theatre Education, 1:58.

Prusak, Bernard G., When Words Fail Us: Reexamining the Conscience of Huckleberry Finn, 4:1.

Rethinking Critical Thinking and Its Role in Art Museum Education, Olga Hubard, 3:15.

Revolution of View: Visual Presentation under the Influence of Multidimensional Concepts, Zhu Feng, 2:109.

Schopenhauer on Sense Perception and Aesthetic Cognition, Bart Vandenabeele, 1:37

Shem-Tov, Naphtaly, Improvisational Teaching as Mode of Knowing, 3:103.

Smuts, Aaron, Grounding Moralism: Moral Flaws and Aesthetic Properties, 4:34.

Spector, Tom, Architecture and the Ethics of Authenticity, 4:23.

Towards a Poetics of Literary Biography, Michael Benton, 3:67.

Truly Funny: Humor, Irony, and Satire as Moral Criticism, E. M. Dadlez...

