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40 RMMLA Bulletin March 1974 Newsletter The Modern Language Association has asked each local association to publish the names of MLA delegates from its region. Hopefully, greater publicity for delegates will aid in greater communication between them and their constituents. All MLA members are urged to contact their delegates whenever they wish concerning matters of professional interest and concern . Designations foUowing the delegates ' names are self-explanatory, with the following possible exceptions: RM means regional delegate, that is, a person representing the Rocky Mountain region; German 2 and Spanish 7 respectively indicate that these delegates represent discussion groups; Other designations indicate the socalled "special interest groups"; Dates (74, 75, 76) indicate the expiration dates of the delegates' terms. Professor George Arms, English, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque , RM, 74. Professor Dolores Brown, Spanish, University of Arizona, Tucson, RM, 74. Professor Ingeborg Carlson, German, Arizona State University, Tempe, RM, 76. Mrs. Francine O. Hardaway, English, Scottsdale College, Scottsdale, Arizona , TWO-YEAR COLLEGES. Ms. Linda E. Haughton, Graduate Student , Modem Languages, University of Arizona, Tucson, RM, 75. Professor Kaye Howe, Integrated Studies and Comparative Literature, University of Colorado, Boulder, WOMEN IN THE PROFESSION, 76. Professor John D. Lindberg, German, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, GER 2, 74. Professor Frances R. Lipp, English, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, WOMEN IN THE PROFESSION , 74. Professor Thomas E. Lyon, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, SPAN 7, 75. Professor Renato I. Rosaldo, Spanish. University of Arizona, Tucson, ETHNIC STUDIES, 74.« « « « Plans for the 1974 annual meeting of the RMMLA are nearing completion . The meeting will be held October 18 and 19 at the Paso del Norte Hotel in El Paso, Texas, under the joint sponsorship of the University of Texas at El Paso and New Mexico State University (Las Cruces, New Mexico). The traditional banquet will be held on October 18 in Juarez, Mexico , at the Camino Real Hotel. Members should note that the 1974 meeting will be scheduled over two full days, rather than the day and a half which has been our custom. Local arrangements chairmen are Professor Robert M. Esch, UTEP Box 6, El Paso, Texas 79968; and Professor Eugene Cunnar, Department of English , New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88001. ...

