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Faculty Publications 51 Fleming or a Chateaubriand, Maurois hopes that his readers will convert a negative example into a constructive lesson. (See Preface to Destins exemplaires .) If he seeks to teach humanity , he never does so through overt preaching. Nothing is more antithetical to his conception of art than its application as a form of sermon : "Oui, toute préoccupation mo-rale , dans une oeuvre d'art quelconque , qu'il s'agisse d'un roman ou d'une biographie, tue l'oeuvre d'art. Dès qu'on veut prouver quelque chose, on ne prouve rien. Cela n'emp êche pas que de grands thèmes moraux ne puissent imprégner l'oeuvre ."20 During a private conversation , he became most emphatic as 20AM, Aspects de la biographie, p. 128. he stressed that "Il y a une incompatabilit é entre l'éthique et l'esth étique."21 There is no example in contemporary literature of a career that surpasses that of André Maurois as a biographer and historian of individual lives. Even as an octogenarian, this indefatigable writer has refused to relax with his laurels. So, recently when his monumental life, Promèthèe ou la Vie de Balzac, appeared, none of those critics who have followed his career closely was surprised that the work was heralded around the world as one of the truly outstanding literary achievements of 1965. 81AM in a privateconversation with J. Kolbert, March 18,1964, at his country home, Chateaud'Essendiéras, in Périgord. FACULTY PUBLICATIONS Foreign Languages Robert M. Burgess (University of Montana), "Mannerism in Philippe Desportes," L'Esprit Créateur, Winter 1967; review of Donald Stone, Jr., Ronsara"s Sonnet Cycles, A Study In Tone and Vision, Modern Philology; review of Arnold Häuser, Mannerism: The Crisis of the Renaissance and the Origin of Modern Art, Comparative Literature. James A. Flightner (University of Montana), "The Travel Books of Camilo Jose Cela," Proceedings of the Pacific Northwest Conference on Foreign Languages, Victoria, B.C., 1966; review of Cela's Viaje a los Pirineos de Lérida, Híspanla, September 1966. Horst Jarka (University of Montana ), "Theodor Storms Gedicht 'Die Nachtigall,'" German Quarterly, March 1966. Raquel Kersten (University of Montana), review of Joaquin Casalduero , Sentido y forma del Quijote (2nd edition), Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, January 1967. Raymond R. MacCurdy (University of New Mexico), Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla: Bibliografía Critica, Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1966; "The Spanish Sources of Paul Scarron's Jodelet duelliste," Hispanic Studies in Honor of Nicholson B. Adams, Chapel HuI, N. C, 1966. Julian Eugene White, Jr. (University of New Mexico), "Racine's Phèdre: Sophoclean and Senecan Tragedy," La Revue de Littérature Comparée, October-December 1966. Truett Book (University of New Mexico), "French Pronunciation by Comic Book," French Review, 1966. Jack Kolbert (University of New Mexico), "The Short Fiction of André Maurois," Studies in Short Fiction, Winter 1966. Harold M. Priest (University of Denver), Selections from 'l'Adone' by Giambattista Marino, a translation into blank verse, will be published by the Cornell University Press this spring. Rolf Ekmanis (Russian, Arizona State University), "Par Literaturkontrabandistiem ," launa Gaita, No. 59 (1966). Jauna Gaita is a Latvian- 52 RM-MLA Bulletin June 1967 language bi-monthly, published in Toronto and devoted to creative literature and literary criticism, of which Professor Ekmanis has been co-editor since 1962. The article deals with the writings of Andrei Sinyavsky and Yuri Daniel, both of whom were arrested and sent to labor camps in 1966; the Jugoslav Mihaljo Mihajlov; the young Russian poet Joseph Brdsky; the prose writer Valey Tarsis and several others. Luis J. Valverde Z. (Boise College ), English as a Second Language: Theory and Practice, second revised edition, Boise: Boise College Press, 1967, a textbook which applies structural linguistics to the teaching and learning of English as a second language ; Some Thoughts on the Study of Spanish as a Second Language, Boise College Press, 1967, (a 20-page pamphlet). Sister M. Audrey Aaron, O.S.B., (Mt. St. Scholastica College) Cristo en la poesía lírica de Lope de Vega, Institute of Hispanic Culture, 1967. Eugene E. Reed (University of Idaho), review of Wolfgang Jahn...

