In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

NEWSLETTER The development of various instructional aids is perhaps more in the news currently than at any time in history. The Secretariat has received notice of some new films which should be of interest to the membership. ACI Films, Inc., announces the availability of Mexican Market, a new ten-minute supplementary film for elementary Spanish teaching. Inquiries may be directed to ACI Films, Inc., 35 West 45th Street, New York, New York 10036. The National Gallery of Art has begun distribution of its "Civilisation" film series, written and narrated by Kenneth Clark, which many of us have already seen produced on educational television. The entire thirteen-part series is available free to college and universities with fewer than 2,000 undergraduates. Each college will be asked to show each film twice, once to its student body and once to the general public. College presidents rather than departmental chairmen have been asked to sponsor the program, and should write W. Howard Adams, Assistant Administrator (Extension Service), National Gallery of Art, 6th Street at Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20565, for further information. A comprehensive study guide prepared by the National Gallery will accompany the films.« « « The "knowledge explosion" inevitably implies a prolifération of indices and catalogues which hopefully serve as timely aids to the shell-shocked. The twovolume 1971 edition of the Educator's Purchasing Master, with information about the purchase of instructional materials (textbooks, audiovisual equipment, maps, atlases, etc.) and a listing of available instructional equipment, has just been published. So has the 1971 edition of the Educator's World, containing over 5,000 separate listings of local, national, and international educational associations and organizations, their purposes, publications, and other pertinent data. Information concerning both publications may be obtained from the Fisher Publishing Company, 3 West Princeton Avenue, Englewood, Colorado 80110.« « « The Department of Modern and Classical Languages of the University of Wyoming announces the inauguration of the A. J. Dickman Lecture Series, named in honor of a former department chairman and past president of the RMMLA. The purpose of this series is to bring scholars of national renown to the University of Wyoming campus. For information contact Professor Mildred Andrews, Department of Modem and Classical Languages, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82070.« « « Two errors in the notice for the 1971 annual meeting have been called to our attention. The Section Chairman of Modem Languages HB was listed erroneously . Professor Douglas R. McKay, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907, should have been listed as Chairman. Inadvertenuy omitted was Modem Languages HC, Slavic and East European Literatures, Chairman: Professor Earl D. Sampson, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80302. Our apologies to all concerned.« « » The annual meeting of the Central Renaissance Conference will be held at the University of Colorado from April 29th to May 1st, 1971. The conference will include, in addition to scholarly papers and a series of public lectures, an 35 36RMMLA BulletinMarch 1971 exhibit of Renaissance and Baroque drawings, a performance of Renaissance music, and a group reading of a play by Machiavelli. Inquiries should be addressed to Professor Carl C. Christensen, History Department, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80302.» » » Charles L. King, Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Colorado, has been named the new editor of the Modem Language Journal .. . James R. Dow of the University of Wyoming is presently at the University of California, Los Angeles, for a year of postdoctoral study in Germanic folklore and mythology . . . Edward Nolan, former Executive Secretary of the RMMLA, has returned to the University of Colorado from a leave of absence in Germany.« ß ß We would like to continue an expanded Newsletter as a regular Bulletin feature. We need campus representatives to send us news from all institutions within the Rocky Mountain region. If your college has no representative (see the list inside the front cover of this Bulletin) and you would like to serve, please notify the Secretariat.» » » Contributors to the RMMLA Bulletin will be interested to know that abstracts of their articles will be includued in the new MLA abstract system. Arrangements are also being made for inclusion of abstracts of Bulletin articles on American...

