
This article discusses the conflict that broke out between the Taiwanese Positivists and New Confucians in 1950s Taiwan. Opposing views on science, tradition, Chinese culture, and Western culture led to a series of debates, which yielded significant impacts on Taiwanese society. After several previous studies, I reexamine the conflict and how it played out, concluding that its historical significance is twofold. First, both Positivists and New Confucians had no effect on the scientific industrialization of Taiwan but had political, cultural, and social effects. Second, the debates constructed a Taiwanese version of C.P. Snow's "two cultures"—a morally humanistic Chinese culture contrasting with a positivistic scientific Western culture. These served as the historical prototype for later formulations of the two cultures.


本文將從「科技與社會」的觀點, 考察發生在1950 年代台灣的兩個思想學派──二十世紀新儒家與台灣實證論──之間的衝突。發生在他們對於科學、文化、中國與西方的不同觀點之間的衝突, 導致一系列的辯論, 同時對台灣社會產生重大的衝擊。我使用「科學觀」這個概念把這個衝突刻畫成兩個科學觀之間的爭議。本文的目的即是在描述和說明這個爭議的歷史背景、過程、內容和影響。我企圖揭示這個大爭議的兩個歷史意義: 其一是兩者的科學觀在台灣社會轉型過程中, 並未促進或阻礙台灣的科學化或工業化, 但是對於政治秩序、文化論述和人文社會科學有深遠的影響。其二在這衝突中, 一個台灣版的兩種文化──道德人文的中國文化和實證科學的西方文化──被建構出來。這個獨特的兩種文化大論述, 乃是台灣後來兩種文化論述的一個「歷史原型」。

