In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

affirmative action, indirect, see Sabbagh Africa, ethnicity of conspirators and coups in, see Roessler Akkoyunlu-Wigley, Arzu, and Simon Wigley, The Impact of Regime Type on Health: Does Redistribution Explain Everything? IV:647 Aktürk, S ,ener, Regimes of Ethnicity: Comparative Analysis of Germany, the Soviet Union/Post-Soviet Russia, and Turkey, I:115 Arévalo, Julián, John Gerring, Daniel Ziblatt, and Johan Van Gorp, An Institutional Theory of Direct and Indirect Rule, III:377 Ashour, Omar, The De-Radicalization of Jihadists: Transforming Armed Islamist Movements, reviewed by Schwedler, II:347 Baker, Andy, and Kenneth F. Greene, The Latin American Left’s Mandate: FreeMarket Policies and Issue Voting in New Democracies, I:43 Bayat, Asef, Making Islam Democratic: Social Movements and the Post-Islamist Turn, reviewed by Schwedler, II:347 Between Islam and the State: The Politics of Engagement, by Berna Turam, reviewed by Schwedler, II:347 British 1832 Reform Act, see Morrison Browers, Michaelle L., Political Ideology in the Arab World: Accommodation and Transformation, reviewed by Schwedler, II:347 Can Islamists Become Moderates? Rethinking the Inclusion-Moderation Hypothesis, by Jillian Schwedler, II:347 Channeling the “Restless Spirit of Innovation”: Elite Concessions and Institutional Change in the British Reform Act of 1832, by Bruce Morrison, IV:678 Checkel, Jeffrey T., International Institutions and Socialization in Europe, reviewed by Krotz and Maher, III:548 civil war and ethnic exclusion in Africa, see Roessler common foreign and security policy, see Krotz and Maher constituency breadth, see Selway constitutions, formal, see Hale Constructing Interethnic Conflict and Cooperation: Why Some People Harmed Jews and Others Helped Them during the Holocaust in Romania, by Diana Dumitru and Carter Johnson, I:1 cooperation, international politics and, see Tang Cremona, Marise, Developments in EU External Relations Law, reviewed by Krotz and Maher, III:548 Cremona, Marise, and Bruno de Witte, EU Foreign Relations Law: Constitutional Fundamentals, reviewed by Krotz and Maher, III:548 democracy, pro-health effect of, see Wigley and Akkoyunlu-Wigley democratization, impact of constitution on, see Hale De-Radicalization of Jihadists: Transforming Armed Islamist Movements, The, by Omar Ashour, reviewed by Schwedler, II:347 Developments in EU External Relations Law, by Marise Cremona, reviewed by Krotz and Maher, III:548 direct rule, see Gerring, Ziblatt, Van Gorp, and Arévalo Dorussen, Han, Hugh Ward, and Lawrence Ezrow, Globalization, Party Positions, and the Median Voter, III:509 Dumitru, Diana, and Carter Johnson, Constructing Interethnic Conflict and Cooperation: Why Some People Harmed Jews and Others Helped Them during the Holocaust in Romania, I:1 East Asia’s Haunted Present: Historical Memories and the Resurgence of Nationalism, by Tsuyoshi Hasegawa and Kazuhiki Togo, eds., reviewed by Tang, IV:711 economic policy issues and voting in Latin America, see Baker and Greene Electoral Reform and Public Policy Outcomes in Thailand: The Politics of the 30-Bhat Health Scheme, by Joel Sawat Selway, I:165 electoral strategy, service provision as an, see Thachil electorates in Latin America, see Baker and Greene Embedded Mobilization: Nonstate Service Provision as Electoral Strategy in India, by Tariq Thachil, III:434 I N D E X T O V O L U M E 6 3 employer associations, development of, see Martin and Swank Enemy Within: Personal Rule, Coups, and Civil War in Africa, The, by Philip Roessler, II:300 ethnic exclusion and civil war in Africa, see Roessler ethnicity, regimes and, see Aktürk ethnicity, state policies toward, see Aktürk EU Foreign Relations Law: Constitutional Fundamentals, by Marise Cremona and Bruno de Witte, reviewed by Krotz and Maher, III:548 European integration and international relations theory, see Krotz and Maher European security and defense policy, see Krotz and Maher Europe’s Foreign and Security Policy: The Institutionalization of Cooperation, by Michael E. Smith, reviewed by Krotz and Maher, III:548 Ezrow, Lawrence, Hugh Ward, and Han Dorussen, Globalization, Party Positions, and the Median Voter, III:509 Fisher, Jeffrey D., Arie Nadler, and Thomas E. Malloy, eds., The Social Psychology of Intergroup Reconciliation, reviewed by Tang, IV:711 Fogu, Claudio, Richard Ned Lebow, and Wulf Kansteiner, eds., The Politics of Memory in Postwar Europe, reviewed by Tang, IV:711 Formal Constitutions in Informal Politics: Institutions and Democratization in PostSoviet Eurasia, by Henry...

