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PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent works (except offprints of single articles) that appear to bear on the scientific study of language. The receipt of individual books cannot be separately acknowledged, and no book can be returned to the publisher. Note especially that, by accepting a book, the Editor implies no promise that it will be reviewed in this journal. Reviews are printed as circumstances permit, and copies are sent to the publishers of the works reviewed. Abed, Shukri B. Aristotelian logic and the Arabic language in Alfarabi. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991. Pp. xxv, 201. Paper $16.95. Analecta lingüistica 20:1 (1990). Anderson, C. Anthony, and Joseph Owens (eds.) Propositional attitudes: The role of content in logic, language, and mind (CSLI lecture notes. 20.) Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1990. Pp. xvi, 342. Cloth $37.50, paper $16.95. Andersson, Lars, and Peter Trudgill. Bad Language. Oxford & Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell. 1990. Pp. vi, 202. Cloth $24.95. Archiv orientální 58:4 (1990). Area and culture studies 40 (1990). Ayto, John. The glutton's glossary: A dictionary of food and drink terms. London & New York: Routledge, 1990. Pp. ix, 323. Cloth $29.95. Babel: International journal of translation 36:4 (1990). Ball, Martin J.; James Fife; Erich Poppe; and Jenny Rowland (eds.) Celtic languages (IEITHYDDIAETH GELTAIDD): Readings in the Brythonic languages: Festschrift for T. Arwyn Watkins . (Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science, series IV, vol. 68.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1990. Pp. xxiv, 470. Barwise, Jon, and John Etchemendy. The language of first-order logic including the Macintosh program, Tarski's World. (CSLI lecture notes, 23.) Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1990. Pp. xiii, 259. Paper $27.50. Bechtel, William, and Adele Abrahamsen. Connectionism and the mind: An introduction to parallel processing in networks. Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell, 1991. Pp. xiv, 349. Cloth $47.95, paper $17.95. Becker, Thomas. Analogie und morphologische Theorie. (Studien zur theoretischen Linguistik: Bd. 11.) München: Wilhelm Fink. 1990. Pp. 208. Paper DM 68.00. Belanoff, Pat; Peter Elbow; and Sheryl I. Fontaine (eds.) Nothing begins with N: New investigations offreewriting. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1991. Pp. xviii, 327. Cloth $27.95, paper $17.95. Belgian Journal of linguistics 5 (1990). Benfer. Robert ?.; Edward E. Brent, Jr.; and Louanna Furbee. Expert systems. (Quantitative applications in the social sciences, 77.) London: Sage, 1991. Pp. 92. Paper $7.50. Berthoff, Ann E. (ed.) Richards on rhetoric. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991. Pp. viii, 287. Cloth $35.00, paper $16.95. Bialystok, Ellen. Communication strategies: A psychological analysis of second-language use. (Applied language studies.) Cambridge, MA: Basil BlackwelL 1990. Pp. viii, 163. Cloth $44.95, paper $14.95. Blair, Frank. Survey on a shoestring: A manual for small-scale language survey. (Summer Institute of Linguistics & The University of Texas at Arlington Publications in Linguistics, 95.) Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1990. Pp. xiv, 133. Bodelot, Collette. Termes introducteurs et modes dans l'interrogation indirecte en Latin de Plaute à Juvenal. (Bibliothèque de Vita Latina.) Luxembourg: Centre Universitaire de Luxembourg, 1990. Pp. 151. 432 PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED433 Boolos. George (ed.) Meaning and method: Essays in honor of Hilary Putnam. Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press. 1990. Pp. ix, 380. Cloth $55.00. Bouterwek. Friedrich, et al. (eds.) Mundart und Name im Sprachkontakt: Festschrift fur Maria Hornung zum 70. Geburtstag. (Beiträge zur Sprachinselforschung. 8.) Wien: Verband der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften Österreichs, 1990. Pp. 406. Paper DM 65.00. Bulgaristika: Osvedomitelen bjuletin. 3-4 (1990). Bulletin signalétique 524. Sciences du langage 44:1-4 (1990). Burke. David. Street Spanish: How to speak and understand Spanish slang. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1990. Pp. xii, 242. Paper $14.95. California linguistic newsletter 21:1 (1990). Cameron, Deborah. The feminist critique of language. London & New York: Routledge. 1990. Pp. xi, 258. Cloth $42.50. paper $14.95. Carter, Ronald, and Walter Nash. Seeing through language: A guide to styles of English writing. Cambridge. MA: Basil Blackwell, 1990. Pp. x, 267. Cloth $14.95. Caton. Steven C. Peaks of Yemen I summon: Poetry as cultural practice in a North Yemeni tribe. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990. Pp. xv...

