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BOOK NOTICES 467 (P. Eisenberg), metaphors (G. Geil), Danish particles (H. Haberland), information theory (O. Ludwig), English sentences with comparisons (Th. Vennemann), and stylistics of a speech by Hitler (G. Voigt). Pragmatic or pedagogical aspects are emphasized in essays by W. Dieckmann, N. Heinze, M. Heun, and U. Steinmüller; essentially literary studies are those by Anne Heinrichs (on Krákumál), H. Linke (MHG), Ursula Schulze (late MHG), and F. Trapp. [Herbert Penzl, Berkeley.] Textlinguistik der Eigennamen. By Hartwig Kalverkämper. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1978. Pp. 454. DM 56.00. This creditable study is a revised dissertation directed by Professors W. Rothe and H. Weinrich; K is now a research assistant at the Gesamthochschule Siegen. It deals with the morphological, syntactic, pragmatic, and textual aspects of French proper names, often contrastively with German data. Differences between grammatical features of proper and common nouns are systematically investigated and discussed. English data are scanty, and some phonetic transcriptions of English (186) are quite faulty. As new primary material, K has studied naming and names in 513 French and in 273 German children's books (74), some of which he lists in his bibliography (397-401). Many of the names of animals and persons studied show very 'transparent' etymology. K also deals with the linguistic aspects of trademarks ( Warenzeichen, Markenartikelnamen , 363-84), a topic that so far in Germany has been treated only by R. Gläser and G. Kosz. Legal and economic factors allow a shift from trade name to common noun: this happened in the US in the case of cellophane, thermos 'vacuum bottle', and the originally German trademark aspirin. K, with his background in the Romance field, does not write a ' Generativistendeutsch ' : forms like das Pattern (262, 307) are rare. Most morphemes he calls Moneme, Martinet's term. Eigennamen appears almost exclusively in the title; elsewhere it is Proprium, pi. Propria, adj. proprial. Serious objection must be made to K's consistent use of Kompositum 'compound' for noun phrases: e.g., Herr Dekan Professor Dr. Thomas Müller (253) is to him a German Makro-Kompositum. [Herbert Penzl, Berkeley.] Bibliographie zur Linguistik. By Peter Schmitter. (Studium Sprachwissenschaft , 2.) Münster: Institut für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität, 1979. Pp. 91. DM 4.50. For this useful topical bibliography of linguistic bibliographies, Schmitter had the cooperation of a team (Arbeitsgruppe) of eight collaborators. The 440 entries exclude regional and institutional bibliographies as well as single-language items (e.g. on Greek metrics) and publication lists in festschriften. Language is listed among 22 periodicals in the world which regularly indicate all incoming new publications (p. 15). No evaluating comments are offered. The topics of the arrangement are listed in a table of contents, e.g. 'Paralinguistik', 'Kasusgrammatik ', 'Neurolinguistik', 'Historiographie ', 'N. Chomsky', and 'Saussure'. An appended suggested model for bibliographical entries (86-91) reminds us that no German journal offers anything approximating the comprehensive style sheets of PMLA or· Lg. The sequence author + date of publication in bibliographies, which is claimed to have become increasingly popular (89), is not caused by 'bessere Übersichtlichkeit' as such, but by the practice of textual citations by author and date of publication (e.g. ' Moulton 1962'). If there is no separate text section, or emphasis on the chronology, there is no reason for this recommended sequence. [Herbert Penzl, Berkeley.] Die deutsche rechtschreibung und ihre reform, 1722-1974. Ed.byBuRCKHARD Garbe. (Germanistische Linguistik, 10.) Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1978. Pp. xiv, 239. DM 46.00. This volume contains a selection of texts illustrating the development of German orthography and subsequent reform proposals . The orthography used by Garbe himself in title and 'Einleitung' (vii-xiv) shows his emphasis on proposed ' decapitalization ' of German nouns. Among selections from Hieronymus Freyer's (1722) Anweisung zur Teutsehen Orthographie (pp. 1-13), from the first edition (1748) of J. Ch. Gottsched's Grundlegung 468 LANGUAGE, VOLUME 56, NUMBER 2 (1980) einer Deutschen Sprachkunst (14-26), and from J. Ch. Adelung's (1782) Grundgesetz der Deutschen Orthographie (38-47), we find F. G. Klopstock's (1778) highly deviant Ueber di deutsche Rechtschreibung (26-38). Jacob Grimm advocated the historical principle in orthography (47-62); he was against foolish (einfältige...

