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Girard J. Etzkorn, Ph.D. A Bibliography of His Works Books 1.Roger Marston, Quodlibeta Quattuor, ed. G. Etzkorn and I. Brady in Bibliotheca Franciscana Scholastica XXVI (Quaracchi 1968, pp. 87* + 550); ed. 2 (Grottaferrata 1994) Pp. 87 + 550. 2.Michel Henry, The Essence of Manifestation, transi, by G. Etzkorn (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1973, pp. xvi + 740). 3.Michel Henry, The Philosophy and Phenomenology of the Body, transi, by G. Etzkorn (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1975) Pp. ? + 240. 4.Guillelmus de Ockham, Scriptum in I Sent., dist. 4-18, ed. G. Etzkorn (St. Bonaventure Univ., 1976) Pp. 25* + 575. 5.Guillelmus de Ockham, Scriptum in I Sent., dist. 19-48, edd. G. Etzkorn and F. Kelley (St. Bonaventure Univ., 1979) Pp. 23* + 751. 6.Guillelmus de Ockham, Quaestiones in III Sent., edd. F. Kelley and G. Etzkorn (St. Bonaventure Univ. 1982) Pp. 21* + 462. 7.Guillelmus de Ockham, Quaestiones Variae, ed. G. Etzkorn, F. Kelley and J. Wey (St. Bonaventure Univ., 1984) Pp. 24* + 482. 8.Ps.-Guillelmus de Ockham, Opera Dubia et Spuria, ed. E. Buytaert(+), G. Mohan(+), L. Baudry(+), Ph. Boehner(+), G. Gal, J. Giermek, G. Etzkorn and F. Kelley (St. Bonaventure Univ., 1988) Pp. 31* + 670. 9.Ioannis Duns Scotus, Quaestiones super libros Metaphysicorum Aristotelis, general editor with R. Andrews, G. Gal, R. Green, F. Kelly(+), G. Marcil(+), T. Noone, R. Wood, Opera Philosophica III-IV (St. Bonaventure University, 1997). 10.Ioannis Duns Scotus, Quaestiones super Isagoge Porphyrii et Quaestiones super Praedicamenta Aristotelis, general editor with R. Andrews, G. Gal, R. Green, F. Kelly(+), G. Marcil(+), T. Noone, R. Wood, Opera Philosophica III-TV (Forthcoming). 11.Ioannis Duns Scotus, Quaestiones super libum Perihermenias Aristotelis (Opus primum et Opus secundum) et Quaestiones super libros Elenchorum Aristotelis, general editor with R. Andrews, G. Gal, R. Green, F. Kelly(+), G. Marcil(+), T. Noone, R. Wood, Opera Philosophica II (Forthcoming). 12.Ioannes Pecham, Quodlibet Quattuor, ed. G. Etzkorn and F. Delorme in Bibliotheca Franciscana Scholastica XXV (Grottaferrata, 1989) Pp. 25* + 360. 13.G. Etzkorn, Iter Vaticanum Franciscanum. A Descriptive Catalog of some 100 codices in the Vaticanus Latinus collection, (E. J. Brill: Leiden, 1996). Pp. xi + 301. 14.Georgius Macedonius, De arcanis Dei: A Fifteenth Century Symposium on Future Contingents, ed. G. Etzkorn with introduction by S. F. Brown in Miscellanea Franciscana 1997 (at press). 15.Questions on the Metaphysics ofAristotle by John Duns Scotus, Vol. I and II, transi. GJ. Etzkorn and A.B. Wolter, O.F.M., (St. Bonaventure, New York: Franciscan Institute Publications, 1997-1998). Articles 1."Liberty in God according to Scotus," in The Scotist 11 (1955) 30-39. 2."The Grades of the Form according to Roger Marson, O.F.M.," in Franziskanische Studien, 44 (1962): 418-454. 3."Roger Marston's 'Grades' Theory in the Light of his Philosophy of Nature," in Miscellanea Mediaevalia-ll (1963): 535-542. 4."Petrus Sutton(?), O.F.M. — Quodlibeta," in Franciscan Studies, 23 (1963): 68-139. 5."Petrus Sutton(?), O.F.M. — Quaestiones disputatae," in Franciscan Studies, 24 (1964): 101-143. 6."Roger Marston," in Encyclopedia of Philosophy (1967) V, 1968-1969. 7."John Pecham," in Encyclopedia of Philosophy (1967) VI, 69. 8."Richard of Mediavilla," in Encyclopedia of Philosophy (1967) VII,192. 9."James of the Marches," in New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967) VIII,811-812. 10."Jeanne Marie de Maille," in New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967) VIII, 861. XlIl 11."A Commentary on Theistic Religion as Regression," in Insight, 4 (1966): 39-41. 12."Michel Henry. — Does the Concept vSoul' Mean Anything?" transi, by G. J. Etzkorn in Philosophy Today, XIII (1969): 94-114. 13."CIm 8943 — Mediaeval Potpourri, Contemporary Consternation,"" in Studies Honoring Ignatius Charles Brady, Friar Minor (Franciscan Institute Publications — Theology Series n. 6 (1976) 247-268. 14."John of la Rochelle's View of Christ as King, Teacher and Priest," in Franciscan Christology, ed. D. McElrath (Franciscan Institute Publications - Sources Series n. 1, 1980) 40-58. 15."William of Ockham and the Meaning of the Hypostatic Union," in Franciscan Christology, ed. D. McElrath (Franciscan Institute Publications — Sources Series n. 1, 1980) 183-201. 16."Walter Chatton and the Controversy on the Absolute Necessity of Grace," in Franciscan Studies, 37 (1977): 32-65. 17."A New...

