In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • The Contributors

Matthew Pangborn is Assistant Professor of English at Briar Cliff University. His current book project, "Founding Others: The Oriental Tale of the Early American Republic," explores Americans' navigation of an orientalist discourse in becoming new citizens of a modern nation-state.

J. Michelle Coghlan is a post-doctoral lecturer at Princeton University. Her current project recovers the strange afterlife of the Paris Commune in late 19th- and early 20th-century American literary, visual and performance culture.

Emily Donaldson Field is a Ph.D. candidate at Boston University. Her work has appeared in MELUS and Great Books for High School Kids: A Teacher's Guide (2004). Her dissertation traces cross-ethnic collaborations in 19th- and early 20th-century American literature.

Brian Russell Roberts is Assistant Professor of English at Brigham Young University. His work has appeared in Modern Fiction Studies, PMLA, and African American Review. He is writing a book on modernism, American blackness, and the islands of the sea.

Kamran Javadizadeh is Assistant Professor of English at Villanova University. His book manuscript connects the institutional structuring of American poetry at mid-century to the institutionalization and mental illness of American poets. His work has appeared in Yale Review.

Billy J. Stratton teaches 20th- and 21st-century American and Native American literature at the University of Denver. His scholarship has appeared in Red Ink, Wičazo Ša Review, Weber: The Contemporary West, and Arizona Quarterly. [End Page 173]


