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October 10, 1999 Pencil, the river was low, and the bridge didn't fall. My birthday party was the best of all. What a good time we had. It was a long drive there, but the leaves on the trees were beautiful. It was a fine fall day. So many people were there, Pencil. Lots of people read what we write, and they like it. Lots of folks that live in Sunny Villa came to my party too. One woman was ninety-two years old, and she had thirteen children. I'm glad she could be there. Everyone looked at my pretty dress that Melanie's mama made for me. Being ninety is lots of fun. That's what I think. Sunny Villa wasn't too bad, I guess. The dining room was nice, and people were friendly. I still don't want to go there. October 31, 1999 It's late fall now, Pencil, Halloween Day. The hummingbirds have long gone. But crow still comes. Winter is coming closer, but it won't be bad. Melanie will come to see us most every day. And we will watch the cardinals eat in the snow on winter days. We'll throw corn to them. We will have fun at Christmas, too. Skeeter will come and put up a little tree for us. I think we will make it through the winter till the first day of spring again. And when spring comes, Skeeter will hunt dry-land fish and bring them to us, like he always does. And if I'm not able to cook them, he will. He knows how. I taught him, like Mama taught me. But, Pencil, if I should have to go before then, I won't leave you behind by yourself. Don't worry. You will go with me. And we will write. Felled Breathe deep the incense cedar, Penetrating the rings of experience To heartwood at the core. Year after year quietly compassed within the venerable tree now is retraced and remembered, the finger trailing, sweet-scented dust. —Nancy Compton Williams 40 ...

