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book reviews357 Louis University, contrary to then-standard Jesuit practice. Other issues were Jesuit slave holding and the growing controversy between proponents of an urban apostolate and those who wished to retain the emphasis on rural ministry characteristic of the Maryland mission since its foundation. Kenney was party to the overaU startup of the restored Jesuit order as one of the first novices in England, as a scholastic Ln SicUy and as a delegate of the Irish Jesuits to meetings in Rome, where he died. On one occasion during his SiciUan sojourn he accompanied a British naval cruiser on an abortive mission to rescue Pope Pius VII from Napoleon. AU these tales Morrissey has told weU in a readable and valuable book. James Hennesey, SJ. Christ the King Seminary EastAurora, New York 'By WhoseAuthority?'Newman, Manning and the Magisterium. Edited by V Alan McCleUand. (Bath: Downside Abbey Press. 1996. Pp. x, 290. $44.00.) This collection consists of fourteen essays by eight weU-known scholars of nineteenth-century religious history in Great Britain. A couple of the essays are very similar to work previously published, and two of the essays are about lesser-known Tractarians, Robert Wilberforce and T W. AUles. Thus, the title of this volume is a bit misleading, especiaUy since the theme of magisterium is scarcely evident in several of the essays. Manning,WUberforce, andAUies came into the Church partly as a result ofthe Gorham Trial and its verdict that Baptismal Regeneration was an "open" question in the Church of England. The verdict, to my mind, was a fatal blow to the high-church party in the EngUsh Church, and the scandal it generated might help explain the vigorous Ultramontanism of converts like William George Ward and Manning. It is, therefore, a pity that the essay on Wilberforce has no mention of his exceUent book on Erastianism. The Allies essay, as well, would have been so much better if it had included some discussion of Allies' many writings on behalf of the CathoUc cause in England. As noted above, several of the other essays are removed from the professed theme of the volume. The study on Tractarian conversions reflects a wide range ofreading in the conversion narratives, but given the personal nature of such an act as conversion, it might be difficult to suggest a formula. The most famous of these narratives is, of course, Newman's Apologia, and when Father Vincent Blehl suggests (p. 44) that Manning may have attempted to have the book placed on the Index, some documentation ought to have been provided. There was indeed serious friction between Manning and Newman, and some might question the wisdom ofputting both in the same volume. But Manning also said that he would put his name on anything Newman wrote, sight unseen, and did 358book reviews work toward a reconciUation with Newman. Others wiU puzzle at the assertion (p. 29) that the No-Popery agitation tended to diminish after 1850. Some have argued just the opposite, and it would be hard to surpass Pusey's Eirenicon (1865) or Gladstone's Vaticanism (1874) for sheer bUe. The Magisterium adds to the more than 800 books, articles, dissertations, and coUections of essays on Newman written since the centennial of his death in 1990. The various collections have been the result of various Newman "friends"—though several of these coUections are overtly hostUe—inviting friends, pubUshing their work, and sometimes reviewing the results of these convocations. Since most of these meetings are by invitation only, dissent and contrary opinions are excluded, save for a hostile reference or footnote. Since Dr. Peter Benedict Nockles and some ofthe others have made a Uvely career for themselves in chaUenging my own work, I can only invite readers to choose for themselves. On the positive side, graduate students ought to read this volume. The essays are jargon-free, without any innuendo about Newman's modernism or ecumenism , and without any of the shabby attacks that characterize several of the most recent coUections. John R. Griffin University ofSouthern Colorado Death in the Victorian Family. By Pat JaUand. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1996. Pp. xii, 464. $45.00.) Victorian England is often perceived in...

