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OTHER BOOKS RECEIVED Abbott, Mary. Life Cycles in England, 1560-1720: Cradle to Grave. (NewYork: Routiedge. 1996. Pp. Lx, 310. $65.00 hardback; $1995 paperback.) Aichele, George. Jesus Framed. [BibUcal Limits.] (New York: Routiedge. 1996. Pp. x, 200. $55-00 hardback; $17.95 paperback.) Bonner, Gerald. Church and Faith in Patristic Tradition.Augustine, Pelagianism , and Early Christian Northumbria. [CoUected Studies Series.] GSrookfield,Vt.:Variorum,Ashgate Publishing Company. 1996. Pp. xiv, 316. $89-95.) Contents: I. "Augustine's Conception of Deification"; II. "The Doctrine ofSacrifice:Augustine and the Latin Patristic Tradition";HI."How Pelagian was Pelagius? An Examination of the Contentions of Torgny Bohlin"; IV "The Significance of Augustine's De Gratia Novi Testamenti";\. "PeIagianism Reconsidered";VI. "Pelagianism and Augustine";\TI."Augustine and Pelagianism";VIH. Review: "Working the Earth ofthe Heart":TheMessalian Controversy in History, Texts, and Language to AD 431- By Columba Stewart, OSB; LX. "Saint Cuthbert—Soul Friend"; X. "The Christian life in the Thought of the Venerable Bede"; XI. "Bede and Medieval CivUization"; XII. "Saint Bede in the Tradition ofWestern Apocalyptic Commentary";XII. Review: Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People, A Historical Commentary. By J. M. WaUace-Hadrill. XIV "Bede and His Legacy"; XV: "Anglo-Saxon Culture and SpirituaUty"; XVI. "Schism and Church Unity"; XVII. "The Extinction of Paganism and the Church Historian"; XVIII. Review : The End ofAncient Christianity. By R. A. Markus; XLX. "Christianity and the Modern World View." Bornstein, Daniel, and Roberto Rusconi Gïds.X Women and Religion in Medieval and Renaissance Italy. Translated by MargeryJ. Schneider. [Women in Culture and Society] (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1996. Pp. x, 334. $50.00 cloth; $16.95 paperback.) Contents:Daniel Bornstein,"Women and ReUgion in Late Medieval Italy: History and Historiography"(pp. 1 -27); Antonio Rigon, "A Community of Female Penitents in Thirteenth-Century Padua" (pp. 28-38); Clara Gennaro,"Clare,Agnes, and Their EarUest Followers : From the Poor Ladies of San Damiano to the Poor Clares" (pp. 39-55); Mario Sensi, "Anchoresses and Penitents m Thirteenth- and FourteenthCentury Umbría" (pp. 56-83); Anna Benvenuti Papi,"Mendicant Friars and Female Pinzochere Ui Tuscany: From Social MarginaUty to Models of Sanctity " (pp. 84-103); Enrico Menestö,"The ApostoUc Canonization Proceedings of Clare of Montefalco, 1318-1319" (pp. 104-129); Chiara Frugoni, "Female Mystics, Visions, and Iconography" (pp. 130-164); Fernanda 379 380OTHER BOOKS RECEIVED SorelU, "Imitable Sanctity: The Legend of Maria ofVenice"(pp. 165-181); Roberto Rusconi,"St. Bernardino of Siena, the Wife, and Possessions" (pp. 182-196);Anna Esposito,"St. Francesca and the Female ReUgious Communities of Fifteenth-Century Rome" (pp. 197-218); GabrieUa Zarri, "Living Saints: A Typology of Female Sanctity Ui the Early Sixteenth Century" (pp. 219-303);Afterword: Roberto Rusconi,"Women ReUgious in Late Medieval Italy: New Sources and DUections" (pp. 305-326). Brackenjoseph ?., S.J., and Majorie Hewitt Suchocki (JEds.). Trinity in Process: A Relational Theology of God. (NewYork: Continuum. 1997. Pp. xv, 236. $34.95.) Bredero, Adriaan H. Bernard of Clairvaux:Between Cult and History. (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdfnans PubUshing Company. 1996. Pp. xiv, 320. $30.00.) Originally pubUshed Ui Dutch by Kok/Agora in Kampen, The Netherlands, under the tide Bernard van Clairvaux: tussen cultus en historie , and reviewed by John R. Sommerfeldt ante, LXXX (April, 1994), 339-341. Britt, Brian. Walter Benjamin and the Bible. (NewYork: Continuum. 1996. Pp. 156. $29.95.) Carey, Patrick W The Roman Catholics in America. (Westport, Conn.: Praeger. 1996. Pp. xii, 192. $17.95 paperback.) The clothbound edition, entitled simply The Roman Catholics and pubUshed in 1993 by Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, was reviewed by Christopher J. Kauffman ante, LXXXII (April, 1996), 285. This editon is considerably shorter. Clark, EUzabeth A., and Herbert Richardson (JEds.). Women and Religion: The Original Sourcebook of Women in Christian Thought. New Revised and Expanded Edition. (San Francisco: Harper. 1996. Pp. xiii, 386. $20.00 paperback .) OriginaUy pubUshed in 1977. Clogan, Paul Maurice G^d.). Medievalia et Humanística: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Culture. New Series: Number 23· (Janham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 1996. Pp. xi, 199. $65.00.) Coppola, Gauro, and Casimira Grandi Gîds.). La "conta délie anime" Popolazioni e registri parrocchiali: questioni di método ed esperienze. (Bologna: Societ...

