In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

GENERAL INDEX Volume LXXXI (1995) Abbreviations: b.n.—brief notice ?.—noted rev.—review¿fiuielbald, Mercian over-king, 253 Abgar of Edessa attempt to convert emperor Tiberius by, 410 Acacian Schism, 35 Accademia di S. Carlo, annual dies academicéis of, 151 "active" spirituality or apostolate among women religious, first occurred during sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, 542 Active female orders, greatest protagonists of, 559 Adoptionism, 186 definition of, 199-200 theological goal of Spanish, 198-199 Adrian Vl, Pope, 441 Aduersus Elipandum, 186 Aedicula, 4, 5, 6 Aelafius, Vicar of Africa, Epistle to, 344 Aelred of Rievaulx, 425-427 Afro-Christianity, formative period of American, 459 Agnes, Saint Symmachus repairs cemetery basilica of, 25 AiUon in Savoy, refuge of prior of convent of La Lance in exile, 56 Alarcos, Battle of international conference commemorating eighth centenary of, 476 Alaska, history of die Catholic Church in, 1 13— 114 Albanese, Catherine, 102 Albani, Gianfrancesco. See Clement XI, Pope Alchermes Joseph D. "Petrine Politics: Pope Symmachus and the Rotunda of St. Andrew at Old St. Peter's," 1-40 Alcuin, 135 Alexander, Saint Symmachus repairs to cemetery of the Jordani at the grave of the martyr, 25 Alexander Vl, Pope elevation of Soderini to cardinalate in 1 503 by, 440 Giulia Farnese, the mistress of, 178 Alexander VH, Pope, 286-288 Alexios I, Byzantine Emperor, 425 Alexy, Trudi The Mezuzah in the Madonna's Foot: Oral Histories Exploring Five Hundred Years in the Paradoxical Relationship ofSpain and the Jews, b.n., 134 Alinsky, Saul correspondence of, 467—468 Allegory, kinds of in Sacred Scriptures, 194 Allen, Michael Idomir rev. ofj. C. Russell, 416-417 Allison, A. F. and D. M. Rogers The Contemporary PrintedLiterature of the English Counter-Reformation betiveen 1558 and 1640, rev., 275-276 Allitt, Patrick Catholic Intellectuals and Conservative Politics in America, 1950-1985, rev., 124-125 rev. of P. M. Kane, 115-117 Altholz, Josef L. Anatomy of a Controversy: The Debate over 'Essays and Reviews, " rev., 454—455 rev. of P. B. Nockles, 449-450 Alvarez, David rev. of P. C. Kent and J. F. Pollard, 614-616 Ambrose, Saint cousin to Symmachus with noble pedigree, 413 American Cauiolic Historical Association Committee on Program chairwoman appointed, 649 Executive Council, meeting ofJanuary 5, 1995, 301 Financial Statement of, 245 Report of die Chairman of the Committee on Program, 226-230 Report of die Chairman of the Committee on Recruitment, 234 Report of the Committee on Corresponding Fellows , 150 Report of die Committee on Nominations, 232 Report of die Committee on die John Gilmary Shea Prize, 232-233 GENERAL INDEX Report of the Delegate to die Joint Committee of Catholic Learned Societies and Scholars, 234-235 Report of die Secretary and Treasurer, 235-244 Resolution Adopted at die Annual Meeting, 231 American Cauiolicism as a public religion in modern world, 407 American Catholic newspapers witfi a pro-German and anti-British policy, 80—81 American Cusanus Society, Uiree sessions at International Congress on Medieval Studies sponsored by, 302 American Protective Association, anti-Cauiolic organization called, 383 American Society of Church History, spring meeting of, 152, 302 Anabaptism, Dutch, 445-446 Anastasius II, Pope, 12 Andrew, Saint altar and shrine of, 30 longstanding association widi Constantinople, 36 Annunciation Sisters, 556 Anselm of Lucca, 353-371 schismatics must be returned, forcibly if necessary , to die flock, 359 Anuielm, Bishop of Belley, took sides in the papal schism, 65 Antichrist, historical treatment of concept of, 604-605 Antwerp, 53 devotional literature from, 281-282 Apollinaris, Saint altar of, 19 oratory of, 19 shrine of, 30 Apostolic Delegate, article expressing opinion of majority of American bishops against new position of, 383 Appleby, Scott, 102 Apringius, Bishop of Beja, 193 Ara Christi [Valencia] Caithusian charterhouse, 60 Ara Coeli, abortive Carthusian foundation in Spain at, 53 Aragon, medieval mendicant friars attitude toward scholarship , 229 Archivio Segreto, opening of, 506 Ariel, Yaakov, 102 Arkansas, history of Caüiolic Church in, 107-108 Armenia (610—1054), chapter on churches in, 421 Armenian Studies, article on, 404 Arnauld, Angélique, 283 Arsenius, Bishop of Porto, 535 Arx, Jeffrey von, SJ. rev. ofj. L Aluiolz, 454-455 Assenmacher, Hugh, O.S.B. rev. OfJ. M. Woods, 107-108 Aston, Margaret...

