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Into The Room Where Poetry Lies The poet enters. The room is bright. The word awaits, alluring as a naked woman beneath a clean, white sheet. The poet centers his focus like a bird of night upon the prey. The poet creates, afterwards, when emotions have run their course on sensitive feet. —Rudy Thomas 777777 Yi \/ ÍA 1? I /I The Hero and the Poet The hero, ceasing to be himself, sinks: the all-important last shot, the long putt, his teeth into things, down to his knees in dance, back to lob the bomb for the touchdown. The hero knows his place, belongs somewhere, pops his knuckles, flexes muscles, finishes first, defends honor & freedom, loves a lot, & laughs important to be heard. The poet, unable to separate from his essence, must settle for the word. —Rudy Thomas 52 ...

