In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED-1990· Adar, Zvi. TM Book of Genesis: An InlToduction to tM Biblical World. Philip Cohen, trans. pp. 165. Jerusalem: Magnes, 1m. Cloth. Alfaro, Juan I. Justice and Loyally: A Commentary on 'M Boole of Micah. International Theological Commenlaty. pp. ix +85. Orand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1989. Paper. Alter, Roben. The Invention ofHebrew Prose: Modern Fiction and 1M Longuage ofReaUsm. The Samuel and Althea Strown Lectures in Jewish Studies. pp. xi + 122. SeaUle: University ofWashington, 1988. Cloth. Anderson, Francis I., and David Noel Freedman. Amos. A New Translation wi,h Introduction and Commen,ary. The Anchor Bible. pp. xlii + 979. New York: Doubleday, 1989. Cloth. Beeby, H. B. Grace Abounding: A Commentary on 'M Boole of Hosea. International Theological Commenlaty. pp. x + 189. Grand Rapids: Een1mans, 1989. Paper. Beth Milcra. Vol. 108:3. B. Z. Luria, ed. pp. 95. Jerusalem: World Jewish Bible Center, 1989. Paper. Blenkinsopp, Joseph. Ezelciel. Interpretation: A Bible Commenlaty for Teaching and Preaching. pp. vi + 242. Louisville: John Knox, 1990. Cloth. Block, Daniel Isaac. The Gods of ,he Nations: Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Na,ional Theology. Evangelical Theological Monograph Series 2. pp. xiv + 214. Jackson: Evangelical Theological Society, 1988. Paper. Boyarin, Daniel./nterlUlUaiily and tM Reading ofMidrash. Indiana Studies in Biblical Literature. pp. xiii + 161. Bloomington: Indiana University, 1990. Cloth. Brisman, Leslie. The Voice of Jacob: On the Composi,ion of Genesis. Indiana Studies in Biblical Literature. pp. xx + 122. Bloomington: Indiana University, 1990. Cloth. Brown, Raymond E., Joseph A. Fitzmyer, and Roland E. Murphy, eds. The New Jerome Biblical Commen,ary. pp. xlviii + 1484. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1990. Cloth. Brueggemann, Walter. Firs, and Second Samuel. Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching. pp. x + 362. Louisville: John Knox, 1990. Cloth. Burns, Rita J. lias the Lord Indeed Spoken Only Through Moses? A Study of the Biblical Portrai, of Miriam. SBL Dissenation Series 84. pp. vi + 142. Atlanla: Scholars, 1987. Cloth/Paper. Cohen, Amnon. Economic Ufe in Ouoman Jerusalem. Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization. pp. viii + 179. New York: Cambridge University, 1989. Cloth. Cohen, Joseph. Voices of Israel: Essays on and Interviews wi,h Yehuda Amichai. A. B. Yehoshua. T. Carmi, Aharon Appel/eld. and Amos Oz. SUNY Series in Modem Jewish Literature and Culture. pp. xvii + 231. Albany: State University of New York, 1990. Cloth. Cook, Edward M., ed. SopMr Mahir: Northwes, Semi,ic Studies Presented to Slanislav Segert. Maarav 5 and 6. pp. 384. Santa Monica: Western Academic Press, 1990. Paper. • Books received in 1990and reviewed in this issue are not lis&ed here. Hebrew Studies 31 (1990) 272 Books Received Dor Le Dor: Our Biblical Heritage. Vol. 17:3. S. Bakon, ed. pp. 63. Jerusalem: World Jewish Bible Center, 1989. Paper. Friedlander, Yehuda. .:1 ", .m-"m IT'TI rntV:!:1 Mm"U1l1 n,,:Ilm m'mRO:l trp" :m'l!ll'o,., ''''IMOD!l {BemJsterei Hasatlra: Hebrew Satire in Europe in the Eighteenth &Nineteenth Centuries}. Vol. 2. pp. 207. Ramal Oan: Bar-llan University, 1989. Cloth. Oammie, John O. Holiness In Israel. Ovenures To Biblical Theology. pp. xv + 215. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1989. Papet. Ooldin, Judah, trans. The Falhers According to Rabbi Nalhan. Yale Judaica Series 10. pp. xxvi +277. New Haven: Yale University, 1955. Paper. Greenstein, Edward L., and David Marcus, eds. Semitic Studies in Menwry 01Moshe Held. JANES 19. pp. viii + 181. New York: Jewish Theological Seminary, 1989. Paper. Hagstrom, David Gcta1d. The Coherence 01 the Book 01Micah: A Literary Analysis. SBL Dissertation Series 89. pp. ix + IS2. Atlanta: Scholars, 1988. Cloth/Paper. Halperin, David. The Faces 01the Charlot: Early Jewish Responses to Ezeldel's Vision. Texte und Studien zum Antikcn Judenlum 16. pp. xx + 610. Tilbingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1988. Cloth. HaIs, Ronald M. Ezekiel. The Fonns of the Old Testament Literature 19. pp. xiii + 363. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1989. Paper. Hartley, John E. The Book 01Job. The New Incemational Commentary on the Old Testament pp. xiv + S91. Orand Rapids: Eetdmans, 1988. Cloth. Hobbs, T. R. A Timelor War: A Sillily 01Warfare in the Old Testament. Old Testament Studies 3. pp. 248. Wilming1Oll: Michael Glazier, 1989. Papet. Holladay, William L. Jeremiah 2: A Commentary on the Book 01Jeremiah, Chapters 26-.52. HenneneiaA Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible...

