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"The other day one of the mission teachers told me about a place where you can go even if you don't have a penny. He said they have work for a feller to do. He can earn his way by working." "Papa will never let you go." "I thought he'd never let me go to Red Bird, but he did. And he even brought me to the mission doctor last night." "We'll have to just keep on asking until he lets you go, Andrew. I will go to college, too." "Can'tyoujusthear Papawhenyou tellhimyouwanttobe a doctor!" "I don't care what Papa says. Somehow, some way, I'll learn all I need to know to be a good doctor." "I guess Papa's going to have to learn new ways whether he wants to or not," Andrew chuckled. "Here comes our breakfast," Annie said. "I'm starved!" Andrew grinned at his sister. "Let's eat. We got a lot ofwork to do." Small Matters A whole day the feeder hung empty, Afew chickadees rifled among the hulls on the bottom, A titmouse poked a sharp head through the wire, inquiring. I should have filled it— I know. What could I do that mattered more? The bills I paid lie in a mail truck somewhere on 1-40 Or wait in a mailbox for pick-up. The dishes could be washed later, or not at all. Tiny birds count on this feeder, Filled with sunflower seed. They do not sing, their feathers dull— Gray, brown, smudged-white— But they move swift as the Spirit of God, Cutting arcs of color in the air. —Virginia Redfield 48 ...

