In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Contents of the SAIS Review, vols.1-14 Winter 1980-81/Vol. 1, No. 1 "U.S. Foreign Policy at the Crossroads" George W. Ball, Jet Planes, Television, and Foreign Policy5 Robert E. Osgood, Carter Foreign Policy in Perspective1 1 Simon Serfaty, Waiting for Reagan23 Inteniew: Hodding Carter III widi Philip Geyelin33 Robert E. Hunter, The Middle East Agenda47 Dimitri Simes, America and Russia: An Uneasy Coexistence57 Charles A. Appleby, Nuclear Strategy at the Crossroads69 Interview: Robert W. Tucker83 Charles Maechling, Jr., The Pakistan Mirage93 Ronald D. Asmus, Poland in Crisis107 Wolf Blitzer, Israel and Reagan: Looking Ahead121 Kim Woodward, The Second Transition: America in Asia under Carter1 29 Gareth Porter, 71ie Decline of U.S. Diplomacy in Southeast Asia149 John Seiler, Constructive Engagement in South Africa: A Viable U.S. Policy161 Summer 1981/Vol. 1, No. 2, "The Caribbean in Crisis" David E. Bonior, Reagan and Central America3 Constantine C. Menges, Central America and the United States1 3 Robert A. Pastor, Three Perspectives on El Salvador35 Interview: Richard R Fagen with Kathryn Waters49 Edwin M. Martin, Haiti: A Case Study in Futility61 Eulalia D. de Conde, Haitian Refugees: A Dilemma for the United States71 Adam Boulton, Jamaica's Bauxite Strategy81 Sol M. Linowitz, The Prospects for the Camp David Peace Process93 Inteniew: Harold Brown with Philip Geyelin101 Myra Struck, Theater Nuclear Forces: Europe's New Maginot Line113 Frederic Davidson, Strategic Engagement and Sino-American Trade131 George Liska, Russia and the West: The Next to Last Phase141 Warren C. Hutchins, External Debt and Developing Countries1 55 Bruce Benton, Foreign Assistance in an Era of Fiscal Austerity: Wither the Development BanL·?161 Mark S. Thomm, The European Monetary System: A Quest for Stability171 Winter 1981-82/Vol. 2, No. 1, "Prospects for the Middle East" Interview: Abolhassan Bani Sadr with Maxwell Glen5 Nikki R Keddie, The Iranian Revolution and U.S. Policy1 3 Richard T. Sale, America in Iran27 201 202 SAIS Review WINTER-SPRING 1994 Lucius D. Battle, Anwar Sadat Remembered41 Interview: Mohammed Sid-Ahmed49 Interview: Moshe Ma'oz55 Amos Perlmutter, The Decline of the Israeli Labor Party67 Terence H. Wrong, The Sideshow in Lebanon73 Samih K. Farsoun and Rex B. Wingerter, The Palestinians in Lebanon93 John P. Richardson, Europe in the Middle East: Shaping a Political Role 107 Interview: Robert S. McNamara with Philip Geyelin119 Hossein G. Askari, OPEC and International Aid133 Devinda Subasinghe, Supply-side and the Third World: Sri Lanka's Devehpment Strategy149 I. William Zartman, Conflict in the Sahara: Options for an Outside Power167 Charles Dunbar, Ethnicity in the Bilad Shinquit185 G. Henry M. Schüler, A Policy for Dealing with Libya199 Cynthia Arnson, Letter from El Salvador213 Summer 1982/Vol. 2, No. 2, "The Tenuous Alliance" James Chace, Europe and America: Double Isolationism?5 Immanuel Wallerstein, North Athnticism in Decline21 David P. Calleo, The Atlantic Alliance: An Enduring Relationship?37 Hedley Bull, A New Course for Britain and Western Europe41 Hans-Peter Schwarz, What is Wrong with U.S.-West German Relations?53 Karsten Voigt, A German Perspective on East-West Relations73 Peter Merkl, Pacifism in West Germany81 Franz-Olivier Giesbert, French Diplomacy: A Two-Headed Sphinx93 Dominique Mo/uml/isi, France and the Polish Crisis99 Zygmunt Nagorski, Poland: A Chance and a Danger105 Douglas A. Wertman, Italian Foreign Policy in the 1 980s: What Kind of Role?1 1 5 Interview: Giorgio Napolitano with Michael Harrison127 John P. Schutte, Jr., Pipeline Politics137 Edmund Muskie, Keeping the Nuclear Peace1 49 Interview: Helmut Sonnenfeldt with Philip Geyelin161 Allan E. Godieb, Canada-U.S. Relations: The Rules of the Game177 John C. Roney, Grain Embargo as Diplomatic Lei'er: Fulcrum or Folly?189 Winter-Spring 1983/Vol. 3, No. 1, "Nuclear Sense or Nonsense?" Lawrence Freedman, Arms Control: No Hiding P^e3 Colin S. Gray, Nuclear Strategy: A Regrettable Necessity1 3 Interview: Norman Podhoretz29 Richard Falk, Rethinking U.S.-Israel Regions after the Lebanon War43 Mansour Farhang and William A. Dormán, The U.S. Press and Lebanon65 Interview: Chester Crocker with Elise Pachter, Reagan's Africa Policy83 INDEX OF ARTICLES AND AUTHORS 203 Pauline H. Baker, The Lost Continent.790 Crawford Young, Zaire: The Politics of Penury1 1 5 Allan S. Whiting, PRC-Taiwan Relations: 1983...

