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  • Contributors

Bruno Bosteels is Associate Professor of Romance Studies at Cornell University.

Timothy Campbell is Professor of Italian in the Department of Romance Studies at Cornell University. In addition to translating Roberto Esposito's Bios: Biopolitics and Philosophy (Minnesota, 2008) and Communitas: The Origin and Destiny of Community (Stanford, 2009), he is co-editor of Biopolitics: A Reader (Duke, 2011) as well as the author of Improper Life: Technology and Biopolitics from Heidegger to Agamben (Minnesota, 2011).

Giuseppe Duso is Ordinary Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Padua.

Roberto Esposito teaches contemporary philosophy at the Italian Institute for the Human Sciences in Naples. He is the author of numerous works, including most recently Bíos: Biopolitics and Philosophy (Minnesota, 2008) and Communitas: The Origin and Destiny of Community (Stanford, 2009). [End Page 287]

Elisabeth Fay is a doctoral candidate in the field of Italian, in the Department of Romance Studies of Cornell University. She is the translator of Carlo Galli's Political Spaces and Global War, forthcoming from University of Minnesota Press.

Carlo Galli teaches History of Political Thought at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy (University of Bologna). He has written extensively about the concepts of modern Political Philosophy and about Carl Schmitt, most notably in his 1996 book Genealogia della politica: Carl Schmitt e la crisi del pensiero politico moderno. Two of his most recent books are forthcoming in translation from University of Minnesota Press in a single volume with the title Political Spaces: the Modern Age and the Global Age.

Jorge Ledo is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Romance Languages at the University of Michigan. He has a BA in Hispanic Philology (Universidade da Coruña, Spain, 2002), an MA in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 2005), and a PhD in Philosophy (Centre for Modern Thought, Aberdeen, UK, 2009). He has published a number of articles on various topics related to literature and philosophy and has translated from Galician and Italian into Spanish.

Brett Levinson is a professor of Comparative Literature at the State University of New York. He is author of Secondary Moderns (1996), The Ends of Literature (2002), and Market and Thought (2004), as well as many articles on Latin American literature and contemporary philosophy.

Stephen Marth is a fifth-year graduate student at Brown University with a focus on modern and contemporary Italian literature, modernity, visual culture, and the historical Italian avant-garde. He is currently writing his dissertation on Aldo Palazzeschi's novel, Il Codice di Perelà, read against the backdrop of Italian Futurism and the visual culture of modernity. He is an Italian instructor at Brown University. [End Page 288]

Alberto Moreiras is Professor and Head of Hispanic Studies at Texas A&M University. He is the author of, among other books, The Exhaustion of Difference: The Politics of Latin American Cultural Studies and Línea de sombra: El no sujeto de lo político and the editor of Política Común. A Journal of Thought (forthcoming).

Adam Rosen-Carole is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Bard College. He is a contributor to journals such as The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Ethical Perspectives, Pli, Glossator, Alternatives, and Sofia Philosophical Review. He is the author of two books, Lacan and Klein: An Essay of Re-Introduction, and Plurality and Perspective: On the Nature and Status of Psychoanalytic Knowledge (forthcoming, 2010 and 2011, respectively, at Lexington Books).

Adam Sitze is Assistant Professor of Law, Jurisprudence and Social Thought at Amherst College.

Miguel Vatter is associate professor in the department of political science of the Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile, and co-founder of the Latin American biopolitics research network. His research and publications cover republicanism, biopolitics, and political theology. Among his recent articles are "The Idea of Public Reason and the Reason of State. Schmitt and Rawls on the Political" (Political Theory 36.2: 2008, 239-271) and "Natality and Biopolitics in Arendt" (Revista de Ciencia Política 26.2: 2006, 137-159).

José Luis Villacañas Berlanga is Professor of Hispanic Thought and Director of the Department of Philosophy at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He is the author of more than twenty...

