In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

JOHN K. WALSH AWARD This Award is given annually to an outstanding article published in La coránica in the previous volume. The selection ofthe recipient ofthis award is made by the Executive Committee ofthe MLA Division on Medieval Spanish Language and Literature in memoiy ofdistinguished medievalistJohn K. Wahh (1939-1990), with the tribute being celebrated, each year at a. reception at the Modem, ^nguage Association Convention. Vol. 21 — Jane Whetnall, "Isabel González of die Cancionero de Baena and Odier Lost Voices", 21.1 (Fall, 1992): 59-82. Vol. 22 — Louise O. Vasvári, "Festive Phallic Discourse in the Libro del Arcipreste", 22.2 (Spring, 1994): 89-117. Vol. 23 — Steven N. Dworkin, "The Genesis of Old Spanish duecho: An Unrecognized Provençalism", 23.2 (Spring, 1995): 34-50. Vol. 24 - Ross Brann, Ángel Sáenz-Badillos y Judit Targarona, "Sëmu'el ibn Sason y su poesía hebrea en la Castilla del siglo XIV", 24.2 (Spring, 1996): 56-74. Vol. 25 — E. Michael Gerli, "Performing Nobility: Mosén Diego de Valera and die Poetics of Converso Identity", 25.1 (Fall, 1996): 19-36. Vol. 26 — Julian Weiss, "On the Conventionality of the Cantigas d'amor", 26.1 (Fall, 1997): 225-45. Vol. 27 — Charlotte Stern, "Recovering the Theater of Medieval Spain (and Europe): The Islamic Evidence", 27.2 (Spring, 1999): 119-53. Vol. 28 — Richard R Kinkade and John E. Keller, "Mydi and Reality in die Miracle oí Cantiga 29", 28.1 (Fall, 1999): 35-69. 310John K. Wahl, Award La coránica 32.1, 2003 Vol. 29 — Barbara F. Weissberger. "The Gendered Taxonomy ofSpanish Romance", 29.1 (Fall, 2000): 205-29. Vol. 30 — Emily Francomano, '"ïQué dizes de las mujeres?': Doncella Teodor as the Conclusion to Bocados de oro", 30.1 (Fall, 2001): 87110 . Vol. 31 — José Luis Pérez López, "El códice T del Libro de buen amalen su biblioteca: averroístas y goliardos", 31.1 (Fall, 2002): 69106 , and "El Manuscrito 99-37 de la Biblioteca de la Catedral de Toledo y el Manuscrito T del Libro de buen amor", 31.2 (Spring, 2003): 137-75. Vol. 32 — Sol Miguel-Prendes. "Reimagining Diego de San Pedro's Readers at Work: Cárcel de Amar". 32.2 (Spring, 2004): 7-44. Vol. 33 — Simone Pinet, "Para leer el espacio en el Poema de Mio Cid: Breviario teórico". 33.2 (Spring, 2005): 195-208. Vol. 34 — Robert Folger, "Passion and Persuasion: Pliilocajjtion in La Celestina" 34.1 (Fall, 2005): 5-29. Vol. 35 — Teresa Catarella, "Doña Urraca and her Brother .Alfonso VI: Incest as Politics". 35.2 (Spring, 2007): 39-67. ...

